Chapter 88: Broken Homes

Start from the beginning

"The truck has fuel – the clock-like device you told me to look at was at halfway," Lexa remembers. "I was able to get close enough to check, perhaps since they believed I knew nothing of vehicles."

Octavia gives a wolfish grin. "So now all we need is wreck the radio, take out two dozen or so elite gona and ten guards with guns, and load the missile into the truck. Easy."

"Anya has my bombs," Raven says, a little regretfully. Lexa had to order her to leave them behind in the village, a decision she stands by. Having a pack full of weaponry would not have gotten them a warm welcome – or perhaps it would have, but they would not have been able to keep hold of the weapons in that case. "Of course, even when she brings them here, we're gonna have to be really careful. If we hurt the missile it could start leaking radiation."

"Uh, yeah, I vote 'no' to radiation," Octavia says. "Maybe we can find some way to draw everyone away from it and then blow them up."

"How?" Raven asks sceptically. "We just go up to them and say, 'hey, everyone! Come this way if you want free pudding, I promise, it's right over here'? Is that your suggestion?"

"Not with free pudding!" Octavia objects. "With... something else. I don't know what. Something valuable."

"Oh, right. We'll tell them we've discovered the magical money-tree."

Lexa clears her throat, cutting off their bickering as politely as possible. "We do not need to take down all of the gona or guards," she points out. "Normally, only five gona and two guards are with the missile at night-time. We know they had Maunon weapons, perhaps they still have a gas grenade we could use."

Octavia's eyes brighten. "I'll ask my guy."

Raven raises an eyebrow. "Your guy? Should I be warning Lincoln -"

"Oh, shof op, Raven," Octavia says. "Flirting just for information is allowed, Lincoln would understand. Anyway, my guard was on the mission to get Clarke, he'll know if they have any leftover gas grenades. He might even show me one, if I tell him that looking at non-lethal weaponry gets me hot or something."

Raven makes a face. "Too much information, thanks O. But yeah, if you can find a gas grenade, that could probably take down everyone around the missile."

"Then all we would need to do is slit their throats, quickly get the missile into the truck with the help of Iryala's people, and drive away," Lexa says with a nod. "If we can set up a few bombs to go off once we have left that should also slow down any response, giving us time to get far away."

"And it's basically the same as what they did, but in reverse," Raven says, a smile creeping onto her face again. "I like it. Yeah, I can easily hide some explosives around the place if we get Anya to bring my bag of bombs. Then we can trigger them as we're driving away."

"We will also need to damage the radio," Lexa says thoughtfully.

"It normally has only two people with it, two Skaikru guards," Octavia says immediately. "If we do this on a night when the guard I flirt with is on duty, he could definitely be persuaded to let us inside to keep them company." She looks at Lexa and gives a flinty smile. "The two of us could easily take them out before they can make a noise." If she's bothered by the idea of killing the man she's manipulating, she doesn't show it. Perhaps she, like Lexa, is picturing him throwing Clarke's unconscious body in the truck and taking her away.

"Awesome," Raven says, grinning and also looking at Lexa. "Then after we've gone a little way, John will drop us off and we'll come back and find somewhere to lay low here."

There's a momentary pause. "Wait, what?" Octavia says. "We're coming back here?"

"I must follow the trail to Clarke," Lexa reminds her.

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