Who did this?

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Her sister was beaten to a pulp and she could barely walk. "WHO DID THIS?!"

It turned out her sister had also been tormented her sister was quirkless and had a really hard time in school. This was the last straw.

The girl who had been tormenting her sister was named: Chō Haru Her quirk was fear if somebody shows fear or weakness in front of her she becomes stronger. Now Ochako assumed this would be simple but she was quite wrong. She trained her quirk and stalked the girl for weeks while still going to school. Until she came up with the perfect plan.

Haru had long black hair a bright aquamarine eyes. She was quite popular among the student body. But the memorized her routine. Ochako became better and better at analyzing, to the point were she could tell the weaknesses and strengths of her quirk. She may have been able to become stronger but there was a time limit to how strong she could get and how long it could last. There was many cons to her quirk and she knew how to beat her. 

On October 5th She got away from yui on time to pursue her plan. Haru  seemed like a good person but she knew better. Ochako's training was about to pay off.

"Hey!" Ochako yelled after her

"Oh hello, What do you need?" Haru replied acting kind and sweet.

"Someone is hurt, Over there!" Ochako acted distressed and pointed to an allyway nearby. Haru didn't know but ochako's friend stain was there.

Ochako's Pov

Haru saw the body and she Immediately started to gag

"That's not how a hero should act. You shouldn't be afraid" I said. Her eyes were wide as I smiled a smile that felt so good The fear she reeked of but then she started to fight me.

She threw a punch that I caught easily then that repeated about 5 times. I pretended that one hurt me and to ben afraid seeing if her quirk would work how I wanted. The next punch was stronger. "I'm more of a hero than you'll ever be!" She went to throw the final punch but to her surprise I caught it with ease.

 "Even if you were a hero what you did to Niko is unforgivable."

Her eyes widened in shock as she realized what this was about.

"Niko didn't deserve ANYTHING you put her through!" Haru collapsed and started to cry she blamed Niko "She was teasing me and She threw the first punch, I was just trying to get her to give up on being a hero! I didn't want my best friend to get hurt on the battle field!" 

"She may have Been your friend but she isn't anymore." I said as I knocked her out.

I wasn't going to kill her yet I needed to find a way to take her quirk. As I walked home a Blonde who looked like Yui stopped me. "That girls cute can I bite her?"

He he Toga go brrrrrrrrr

I have a youtube channel it's just called Chawit Zowee

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