This isn't fair

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         Ochako pulled Shigaraki through the portal tears streaming down her face, she wanted to puke, scream and kill somebody all at the same time. She already screamed to the point where her throat felt like it might stop working.

He felt like he weighed thousands of pounds, it was hard enough to drag him without the emotionally strain it put on her to be dragging her "Big Brother" like this. She caused is death directly, she normally wouldn't be disturbed by this but he helped raise her. She picked him up and lay him on his bedroom floor. 

She let a few more tears run down her cheeks before she started laughing. HOW IRONIC! I SET OUT TO KILL HIM AND I ACCIDENTALLY DID SO!  She continued laughing knowing that when she did that she would start crying even more now she didn't want to stop. She felt herself going light headed as she stared at him bleeding all over the carpet.


Yui fell to her knees crying, what Ochako had said Yui believed to be true. She did horribly abuse Ochako for years and Ochako still hasn't gotten her revenge. What's her plan? 

Yaomomo ran to Yui and starting asking her questions and trying to make sure that she was alright. Yui couldn't hear her and the tears wouldn't stop. Mina was also quite shocked, Ochako has an Ice quirk? but last time Mina checked Ochako only had 4 quirks! Also Ochako was Damasu, she had been lying!?  Her name gave it away.

Mina could hear Yaomomo trying to talk to Yui but Yui wouldn't respond, Mina stood up and ran to aid Yaomomo in trying to talk to Yui. Before Mina could reach the blonde she started giggling, Yui's little giggle turned to a laugh and that laugh grew louder and louder. She wasn't happy with how things were turning out, she already lost an arm to Ochako and now she was almost torturing her! She made Yui want to pull her hair out or stab somebody. Blood, blood, blood, BLOOD!  That's it! She wants blood, she loves blood and blood is prettier than anything else in the entire world! Red shiny blood! Tasty blood!

Yui pulled out a knife and lifted it up. The others stepped back both of them confused. She brought it down onto her only fleshy wrist, she cut deep before Mina and Yaomomo stopped her. She stopped laughing as she felt lightheaded, she just looked into the sky. She wondered how her parents would react, they'd probably be mad again. 

Flashback :3

Yui woke up in the hospital her mother saw that she was awake, she gave Yui a small smile and they called Yui's father in. He was a bigger guy and he was pretty intimidating. Her mother was very beautiful she looked like somebody with her shit together, she had her hair up and a very nice outfit on with lots of jewelry. 

Her mother walked over to the nurse to ask if they could be left alone for a while, the nurse nodded and put a Do NOT Disturb sign on the door, Yui expected them to hug her and try to help her fix her mistakes but she was wrong. 

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Her mother screamed "IF YOU HADN'T BULLIED OKA'S KID THEN MAYBE YOU'D STILL HAVE YOUR ARM!" Yui cried, "I'm sorry Mama!" She cried out to her mother who was fuming, her mother looked like a mess, compared to how she normally looked. She wasn't composed instead she was fuming and her bun was messy. Her mother reached over to the vase Mina brought Yui and she threw above Yui's head. It hit the wall and the glass fell onto Yui's bed, Yui screamed at the sound of the impact.

The glass that landed on Yui cut her and some got stuck in her bed. "MAYBE IF YOUR SISTER HADN'T BEEN BORN YOU WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN STUPID!" "THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HIMIKO MAMA!" Yui screamed back at her, her mother calmed down and she walked over to Yui. Yui felt something hit her cheek and she turned to see her mother had slapped her. "Don't talk back to me." Her mother instructed, Yui nodded knowing that it would probably leave a mark. Her mother had a very strong arm and she's left bruises on Yui with just a single slap. 

Her father watched the entire interaction without saying anything. He just glared at Yui his eyes said it all, he was pissed. Yui was the only child they had left and they didn't want her to run away like Himiko did.  Her mother grabbed his arm and they left. Soon after a nurse came in and tended to Yui's cuts and they changed out her bed. 

End of Flashback

Yui knew that her mother would probably hit her again since it was all her fault. Yui's smile dropped as she stared at the dark sky, she looked down at her wrist and she brought it up to her mouth. She drank it and it felt good, Yaomomo ran up to her and tried to pull her wrist away from her mouth. Yui responded to her since it was annoying her. 

Yui pulled the knife the her side and she stabbed Yanomamo's arm, Yaomomo let a shriek out when she stabbed her. Mina heard this and immediately got upset. Mina had to save Yui, she couldn't let Yui go crazy or she would end up like Himiko. She tried to move but her body wouldn't go. Then she thought about the insane brunette and if she had been quicker Yui wouldn't have lost her other arm.

Mina ran to Yui and used her acid to disintegrate Yui's knife, it also fell onto Yui's fake arm melting it a bit. Yui looked up at her taking her wrist away from her mouth. The red liquid dripping onto her nice dress. Yui looked to Yaomomo who was bandaging her arm and the she looked back to Mina who was in a fighting position. Yui just turned back to Yaomomo, she didn't understand what was wrong. She sat there thinking before she realized. She just stabbed Yaomomo!  Her mouth held agape when she realized that. She tried to hold back the tears, she couldn't cry not now. Not infront of Yaomomo and Mina. 

An unearthly noise came out of Yui, well nothing that comes out of living things. Almost like a teapot. Like Daki:

She let out this not human noise as tears rolled down her cheeks. She hadn't been able to cry for so long and her shell was breaking all at once. Things were breaking her down and Ochako was the hammer, Yui hated it. Yui screamed and cried, she just wanted Ochako gone! She caused her so many problems! She made her parents angry, she made Himiko a villain! (she didn't) She stole her arm, she made her life a living hell. 

She screamed until she couldn't anymore, her throat hurt some of the worst pain she had felt in that area and she soon fell to the ground. She couldn't handle this guilt, she'd never let her emotions get the best of her like this and it felt horrible.

I'm rewriting this story so please stay tuned for that. I'm sorry for cutting this chapter short. word count: 1227

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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