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Getting there was a pain in the ass for both of them. The way there was as fun as a 3 hour long bus trip, That's what Ochako would tell AfO later anyway and she wished she hadn't volunteered. She wouldn't tell anybody this, Shigaraki was pissed off too but he showed it.  The security was a pain in the ass to get through. Ochako isn't sure how AfO has so many connections, He has traitors in schools left in right it's as if he's the leader of a bunch of cockroaches but they're all in disguise. The man gets what he wants it's quite surprising. 

He's the leader of the underworld even if he's using a crusty blue haired guy as an icon. He's well known but Shigaraki is known much better, AfO is strong and maybe one day, after Ochako disposes of the neck pain Shigaraki is, She'll be as strong as hi- No stronger. AfO may seem strong but after what All Might did to him he isn't as strong, But she can soar high. She would be a grate successor, After all being stupid strong she could kill Yui and Bakugo easily.

She was planning out in her head when the plane landed, She got out and started jumping with joy. She had to wear a black wig which she put in pigtails, she had light blue eye contacts with little blue accessories, Lots of bunny shit. After becoming the bunny she owned lots of bunny themed things, it seemed to comfort her since it had become her brand and it made her happy. Seeing her past villainous deeds, and present ones all described with a single bunny hairpin brought her comfort. She wouldn't even forget her roots, her life as a small weak bunny was changing. She was now stronger, She was a cannibal bunny and she hasn't been outmatched. 

Yet, She knows somebody stronger than her will come around after the get trained right, She would get stronger too thoug- He process of thought was stopped after Shigaraki pulled her as if she was a dog in trouble. "That hurts Shiggy!" She exclaimed, trying to get his arm of her. She pulled out a knife, "LET GO" That drew peoples attention, soon she was being chased down. "Shit shit shit!" She couldn't help but mutter to herself. She jumped around people and knocked down a blondey on the way through.

She lost them when she ran into a cafe. She saw the blondey she had knocked over, Kaminari and Mineta were flirting with her. Ochako walked over to them, Ochako was wearing a short blue sleeveless dress. They immediately turned towards her, She swears she saw mineta drool. She couldn't help but feel disgusted, they are pretty gross lol. She bends down to Mineta's hight and she's smiling until she reaches his level. Her face almost transforms into rage and disgust, "Leave the girl alone." She orders him, She stand back up straight again.

He is shaking and he has a nosebleed, Kaminari looks shocked as they walked back to where they were before. She had changed and she put her hair in a bun hoping that would help her stay discreet, Kaminari and Mineta probably though she was a total "Babe" or something like that, She was pissed of at them. Then it hits her, Why are UA students here? Some of the students make sense, Those who have money but these two aren't rich or handsome. Makes no sense.

"Hello! May I sit here?" She asks the blondey who looks a bit taken aback, "Sure!" She replies "I'm Och- I mean I'm Damasu!" She tells her, She nods "I'm Melissa." She tells her exchanging names. "Melissa... Quite American, Do you think she's American I mean that would make sense judging by where this island is.  She doesn't look Japanese so it'd make the most sense,  She speaks Japanese so maybe she was born and raised here-" Ochako mumbles before Melissa politely interrupts her. 

"I am American, yet since people come her from all over I've had to learn many languages. My dad's clients are from all over the world so it's necessary."  She explains, Ochako looks up at her and a smile spreads across her face, "I wish I knew so many languages! I only know English, French and Japanese!" Ochako exclaims acting upset, "It's okay Damasu!" She chuckles, "My parents named me a name that hardley works for me, It means to dupe or fool somebody. I'm a very honest person so it sucks." Ochako lies.

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