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I'll meet the guy who almost beat all might, Those words shake me to my inner core.  "Oh... sick! When are we gonna do that?"

"We'll figure that out once you get here." Chapstick man asked 

"I never got your name!" I blurted out and Now I know he is Tomura Shigaraki.

I started to leave the building excited for tomorrow and so I started to think about my beloved sister and how much she means to me then I realized, The league is going to want her quirk I stopped dead in my tracks. "She'll be quirk less again" I mumbled to myself. I don't want that, I need that. The league needs me to do this. We need to kill all might. Is my desperation to kill all might that bad? Do I really need to do that?  "Will I kill myself if I can't do it?" I mumbled. I couldn't come to a conclusion

So I continued walking and walking as I thought of the UA exams  and about being the traitor. I could hack into their files and see what the upcoming events are so we can prepare attacks. This is soooo Exciting! This corrupt man might die by MY hands soon! I need her quirk!

I entered the home and smelt something I hadn't smelt in a long time... My mom's Green tea cookies. I was shocked and my dad was home. "Dad!"

"Hey Ochako, someone very important to me is coming over!" Someone Import? 

My thoughts were interrupted when a dark haired girl stepped in, her eyes looked as if the had chocolate in them and her hair was a beautiful shade of brown with blue tips. She had a blue dress the color of the ocean and some very beautiful makeup. 

"Hello, You must be Ochako!" "Call me Uraraka ... please!" "Oh, uh Ok Uraraka!" The air was so stiff you could get a knife and cut through it. "Well uh how about you sit down for dinner?" "I'm gonna go to my room you two Lovebirds enjoy your night!"

I walked off to my room annoyed, how could he let another woman into his life?  I just didn't understand and now I had a new target. I then heard Niko enter the building. "Hello! Who are you?" "I'm Yua Yashiro, Nice to meet you dear." "... Yea nice to meet you too" She said and she went to her room.

"So she's the one fathers been spending all his time with." "yea..." "So what did you mean when you said you had taken care of Yui?" Oh shit "cause now she's missing..." "I had reported her to the school but she was gonna later that day." "Oh.. Okay I really misunderstood you." She said as she walked out. Everything is going as I planned.

 I lied down Today was Exhausting I heard my dad talking to the lady and they eventually went back to his room. I wonder if she's my new stepmom. I started to laugh a bit before it turned into a laughing fit. "Tomorrow is when I'm auditioning for the hero thing." I was so fucking excited and the next course of action get rid of Yua.

 Sorry or the short chapter lol

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