Plan A...

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Yui had come out of the building bleeding from the hand but fine otherwise. I loved seeing the crimson liquid come from her this time. Her messy blonde bun had fallen out and the rage she felt was spread across her face She was basically saying "Come fight me bitch." I looked at her and she froze again. "Kuro teleport me to a building with no students in it." I said and he teleported me away and I changed my outfit.

I was in the snowy part I had put Tsuyu, and Bakugo here. " Bakugo!" I yelled from the building "Round face?" He looked shocked. "I've been looking for people everywhere!" I exclaimed "I finally found someone! I'm glad I found you too!" He blushed and then turned to anger "WELL LET'S MURDER THESE ASSWHOLE'S!" He screamed before blowing up another villain I pulled a syringe full of a Russian Violet liquid, I stabbed him in lower back and I covered his mouth. "Hush." I said as he passed out. He wouldn't be able to remember anything from earlier. 


It was about 1 Am and I had finally finished working on my newest project. It would disable their quirk for about an hour. That's what it was supposed to do, It may knock out the people I use it on too. Depending on where I stab it in, If it knocks them out they will forget the last 1 hour of their life. It will be quite helpful. 

Flashback end

It worked he Passed out. I am so proud of myself, I didn't even need any test subjects! Except for Bakugo. I started to run away from the scene fake crying the villain I was fighting looked shocked at what just happened. I threw a knife at them as I left it went into their neck killing them almost instantly. My aim is amazing! I ran and hid in a building, I was definitely going to frostbite. Then I saw somebody else. It was Tsuyu, "Tsu are you ok?!" I said but she was out cold I started to cry and I laid by her. Slowly falling asleep. 

Yui's Pov

I was fighting villains when a girl with pink hair and a bunny mask came into the room. I turned but then I saw a terrifying vision I couldn't even begin to describe what is saw. Next thing I knew My hand was stabbed into the wall with the letter 2. I didn't understand but I was able to get my hand out of the wall and pull the knife out. "Fuck!" I screamed as I pulled it out. I ran out of the building and towards the bunny. She walked into a portal before I could get to her.

I looked down and saw my teacher's face in the ground blood pouring out of him. I leaned down and drank some of it becoming him before I knew it my face was being smashed into the ground too. I heard a loud voice "I am here!" It was all might my savior. I blacked out.

Back to Ochako

I woke up to kurogiri "Are you ready to go miss?" He asked me I used my new quirk to change back into the bunny's outfit. "Let's go." I said using my voice changer. He brought me into the battlefield All Might had shown up.  He lunged towards the Nomu I pulled out one of knives and stabbed him and he flew by. He looked back to me shocked, I had just cut him at the speed he was going. "Hey All might!" I said  "How are you!? Doing good I hope!" I said as I stepped on Yui's body "It'd be so easy to just kill her right now wouldn't it?" I asked "DON'T TOUCH HER?" He screamed attacking I moved to the side just in time. "Why shouldn't I?" I asked him "All she does is cause suffering! Her quirk is one made for a villain!" I said protesting he looked shocked before and the Nomu started fighting. "I'm bored Kuro can I go now?" I asked him he looked surprised "Ok bunny."  I was teleported back to Tsu and I transformed and fell asleep. 

Next thing I knew I was in a stretcher. UA is probably paying the hospital bill if they didn't they'd face so many issues. This was going to be fun. I woke up in the hospital with Niko looking over me. "Hi Niko!" I said excited as always "Where am I?" I asked acting confused. "You're in the hospital you almost got frostbite." The doctor said I didn't even notice him "Oh..." I said Looking down. "Is Bakugo ok?!" I asked "He's fine. Do you think you could tell us what happened?" He asked I looked away tears in my eyes "Me and Bakugo were fighting a villain when suddenly Bakugo stopped moving and passed out. I ran away shocked about what had just happened and I found Tsu so I laid next to her." I said and I started to sob. He looked sympathetic "I'm sorry." He left me and my sister alone. "Dad's outside I'll go tell him you're awake." She told me as she left.

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