Sports Festival!

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There were so many students at UA. Even the other courses could participate in the sports festival, I wonder what I'll rank. I hope I get at least 4th but I have horrible luck. 

We entered the Stadium and the first round got explained I can just use zero gravity to float over everybody. It should work out fine. I floated around the robots but I was still so far behind Todo and Bakugo, So I hopped onto Izu's back. Hitching a ride isn't against the rules is it? "Hey Izu, I thought we could help each other!" He looked back at me "Uh Ok!" We went pretty fast and I used my float quirk to make us float above the rope area. "I'll be as helpful as possible!" I said, Next thing I need we were flying "Weeeeeeee!" I screamed. I landed in 2nd and He got 1st.

"Good job Izu!" I said holding his hands, I wonder when they're gonna find the body. I spaced out for a second apparently Izu and I have the highest scores. "Izu! Izu!" I chased after him "Wanna be my teammate?!" I asked "Sure!" He replied "Yaaaaaaaay!" I said as I laughed. Izuku is so adorable! I thought then a female Kazuichi walked up to us. (Kazuichi is from danganronpa.) It was Hatsume She wanted to be part of the team and the final person was Tokoyami. I dislike Mei she's disgusting she's covered in oil all the time and her inventions almost killed Izu. She may have the heart of an oustanding Inventor but she makes me mad.

We barely made it through this challenge Izu's radioactive eyes showed that he thought we didn't make it. Then I revealed the high point band and he gave me a big hug. "Awww Izu!" I saw hugging him back "You're such a good person!" I said he gave a big smile. Iida got a phone call "I'll be right back guys." I followed him and stayed out of site "What?!" He started to cry, I could barely hold back my smile I walked into the hallway "Iida are you alright?" I asked then I hugged him "You can tell me we're friends right?" I asked he looked at me "W-we are friends. Yea We are." He replied

He told me all about his brother and how kind he was. "I wonder who could've killed him. This isn't the heroes killer style. He normally lets then bleed out." I said Iida looked at me "You're right." He replied "If you look at his murder cases they all bled out my he was dismembered." He said "What an Astute observation." He replied "Are you going to participate in the rest of the sports festival?" I asked "I don't think so." He said looking into the distance his normally focused eyes looking into space. "I felt the same when my family got murdered, About half a week ago." I said as I left the ally "I feel bad for you Iida!" I told him he looked shocked. Maybe even afraid that fed one of my quirks.

I had to fight bakugo and I had no chance of winning. I'm so weak but I had no one cheering me on anyway. I had no reason to win. I fought Bakugo every bit of Rubble went floating and When it went towards him I punched him in the stomach making him puke a bit. Then he blew me up. I have to get up, I can't lose. I tried to get up before I took a few steps and fell I couldn't move No matter how hard I tried. I passed out on the floor "No I can't lose..." I said as the bright world faded to black.

I shot up from where I was lying I turned towards recovery girl. "Where am I?!" I asked "Why am I here?" I hate the nurses office. "You go Injured in the sports festival dear." She explained the sympathy just seeping out of her. I lied back down "I'm such a failure, I haven't improved at all since then." I said Recovery girl just looked at me. "You did great dearie." She said as I got up "Well I'm leaving." I said as I walked off.

Recoveries pov

The poor child tried her best but in the end she passed out. I'm not able to use my quirk on her since she's so tired, She shouldn't even be able to move when she wakes up. I got a syringe and took a blood sample, She shouldn't be this strong after her getting out of the hospital a few days ago. Yet her blood was completely normal, More white blood cells than normal but that's expected She's a completely normal girl. We can't tell any mental scarring I'll ask the detective Tsukauchi. Then she sat up straight and started asking questions I told her the answers and she stood up and left. She shouldn't even be able to move with those injuries

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