The Beginning of a Hero?

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"Please stop" The short brown haired girl cried outside of the school. Yet she knew they weren't going to stop they never do there is no way that Yui would ever stop. Yui's Quirk scared her it was the power to transform into people by drinking their blood, She would drink Ochako's blood and do horrible things acting as her.

"Please!" Ochako sobbed as Yui smiled her demented smile. Beating her into the ground until she finally got the amount of blood she wanted. Ochako's Chocolate hair and eyes were accompanied by Cuts and bruises all over her body.  She couldn't understand why someone aiming to be a hero would do that to her. She Started home crying as she went. She didn't understand. Than one of Yui's friends stopped her, Bakugo "What's wrong with you round face?!" "Nothing is wrong as you could probably tell" Bakugo didn't appreciate that sarcastic  response. He punched her and finished off the confrontation with "Go take a swan dive of the roof, Maybe in your next life you'll be luck enough to have a good quirk and maybe even money if you're lucky"

She went home a different route the longer way and she heard something from the sewage Before she could respond It was trying to enter her body, but she didn't fight back, She just didn't care anymore. But before the monster could fully take over she heard an "I am here!" and she was let out. She didn't exactly look up to all might but she wanted to know is she was could be like him. She grabbed onto him and they ended up on a rooftop. She asked him and his response  Crushed her very core. "I don't understand aren't you supposed to be a hero?" This confused him

"Heroes cheer people up don't they?" He didn't understand "You, You're just like my classmates." She sobbed "Where do you think these bruises and cuts come from?!" Yoshinori responded "I thought the sludge vi-" Ochako cut him off she didn't Care anymore "Who are the real heroes anyway? Aren't you supposed to be the number 1 hero? but you just told me to give up on the thing keeping me from taking a swan dive of the roof!" Ochako started to scream "Aren't you supposed to be amazing?! I should take Bakugo's advice Maybe in my next life I'll get the good quirk." Before Toshinori could respond she jumped.

She felt her pain would finally go away but he caught her "How about you tell your friends all might brought you home they'll be quite jealous!" "LET GO OF ME!" She tried to get out of his grasp multiple times but he wouldn't just let her go. They landed on the ground and she ran off.  

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