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I sat there comprehending what just happened, I am so fucking mad at Midoriya though. He passed his stupid quirk onto me without me wanting it and then he had the balls to bring All might into this, and then I saw Nana Shimura. She saved my great grandma and my mother had told us stories about her when I was little. Shimura had a special place in my heart but now I wasn't sure what to do, 'She's as despicable as the rest of the past users. I hate them with all my heart.

I stood up and I went to my room, I saw Eri on the bed and I looked over to my alarm clock. It was about 5:30 Am and I was finally going to eat. It's been two weeks since I last had a meal. I had slept about 2 and a half hours so I could make food.  I left the house and stole some eggs and cheese, nobody really cared to stop me, I did go through the back doors though. I walked back to my room and I started cooking. I made the eggs and soon Eri was awake. I could tell when I heard her scream.

I ran into our room and I hugged her, she looked relieved to see that I was around. I picked her up and brought her into the kitchen, She looked excitedly at the breakfast I made and I sat by her. I ate and it felt great, I made even more eggs for myself and Eri was soon done too. I didn't get full though before I got her all dressed up. I put her in a cute pink bunny themed outfit I stole earlier and she looked adorable.

I got paper and I wrote a note Take care of me!!  It said, I would drop her off in her room. "Where are we going?" She asked softly, I smiled at her "We're going back to UA." I told her, she nodded "Don't forget to visit!" She exclaimed I nodded, "I won't, Don't worry!" I assured her, She smiled as we floated over there. I broke the window as I entered and she was soon in too. "Wh.... What happened?" She asked, "I got angry." I told her, She looked up at me worry written all over her face.

I starting to clean when I heard the door slam open, "Aizawa!" I exclaimed shocked, He glared at me "What are you doing here?!" He yelled angrily, "I'm giving her a better home than I can." I told him, I was still cleaning. "Can I please have my Midoriya stuffy?" I asked him, putting the doll house back together.  "No." He said, I glared at him. "You're so mean." I said putting the final things back.

Aizawa just sat there glaring back. "I want that doll." I told him, He shook his head. "No." I ran past him, I need that doll. I ran down the stairs surprising the students, I got into his office and I grabbed it. I saw my classmates and their shocked expressions as I ran, I slammed through the door and kept running. The UA security system went off. As the front gate closed I pressed my hands on it and made it float, I was surprised to say the least. I didn't know I was this powerful!

I turned before I left to see Yui, She had tears in her eyes. "Please don't go!" She yelled out, She looked terrified, I've never seen her like this. She had a scar on her hand now and it was my fault! "Why shouldn't I?" I asked her, She thought for a second "I need to apologize!" She screamed out, I giggled, and then that giggle turned into a laugh. She looked shocked, "You're joking right?! You think I'd come back because of you?!" I yelled at her, "You're quiet wrong." I said before passing through the door, She ran at me yelling.

I ignored her and let the door go, I heard a blood curdling scream and I saw an arm on the floor behind me. I can't believe she lost her arm to get me! She's so dumb! I reached down and picked up the arm, it was still bleeding and I could hear her sobbing from the other side of the door. I laughed as she sobbed, She's sure does have the mind of a hero! Thinking that she can still win me over after all she's done! I started walking away and I heard sirens nearby. I ran back to my hotel room.

Yui's Pov!

 I sat in the main room when I heard glass shatter from upstairs, I was afraid something had happened so I grabbed Mr. Aizawa from his office, He went up there and soon I saw Ochako down in his office, Why was she here? Her once kind eyes showed bloodlust and rage, Not rage no, it was more like she was sad. She ran out of the room Mr. Aizawa followed, I ran behind them determined to apologize. 

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