yandere korekiyo headcanons

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(slight TW warning: abuse mentions)

- Personally, I think he would stand in the shadows and watch you firstly.

- He can't watch you in the day, so he would mostly follow you around during the night time.

- But if he were to stalk you during the day, he'll only follow you to places where he knows he can disguise himself

- For example, let's just say you were going to the café to get a coffee and drink it there, he would be able to blend himself in with the crowd and watch you drink your coffee while he disguises himself as someone who is reading.

- He would be cautious of course; he didn't want you noticing him following you suddenly.

- So, he wears different clothes, masks and hairstyles to make it seem he's different every time.

- It's a lot of work, yes, but anything will do for his precious treasure.

- He thinks humanity is beautiful and watching your light footsteps while walking is also beautiful.

- Your presence, though only from a distance, was amazing to him.

- Taking you though that is a long process for Kiyo, he doesn't want to just kidnap you while you're sleeping.

- That's too cruel for his treasure, he never treats his artifacts he keeps that way. He doesn't treat them viciously like a predator hunting for prey, so he won't treat you viciously.

- He decides to do it the way he thinks is best.

- That the way is to become friends with you and slowly consume more and more of your time until he has you wrapped around his finger.

- So, one day, he forcefully made someone bump into you while walking past you, making you fall into his arms 'coincidentally'

- You apologize for falling in his arms, and he introduces himself in his normal way.

- But slowly over time, you become closer and closer to him, not knowing what you got yourself into.

- Eventually, he invites you over to stay the night and watch movies.

- Little did you know that would be the last time you left your home or had proper freedom.

- But anyways, let's get to what happens after he takes you.

- I'm gonna put this on the table, but he is possessive of you.

- You're his treasure, he knows you're not an object, but he treats you with the utter most care; like how he does with the artifacts he collects during his anthropology adventures.

- Of course, he won't isolate you, but if you were to go somewhere- you had to tell him first.

- But if you were to go to places like clubs, it is a must that he must come too. He needs to show those people that you're his.

- But like what I said, he treats you with care. It's like he worships you, but he gets to control aspects in your life (mostly social life)

- That doesn't mean that he doesn't have his moments where he marks you out in public, or 'injure' one or two people who decided to get too close to you.

- Another thing is that you get free roam of his place, but there is one rule he has for you.

- You can't go in the room without his permission or you'll be punished accordingly.

- The room is his sister's old bedroom: he's left it the same way since she died.

- It's locked and everything, he has the key hidden somewhere even you don't know.

- He hates going in there though, as it gives him flashbacks to what happened in that room when he was younger and in his sister's care.

- I personally headcanon Korekiyo with PTSD from what happened to him and his sister. It's hinted in canon that he was abused (specifically emotionally and sexually abused) by his sister, so that's why I headcanon him with it.

- Because of this, he doesn't want to be all over and controlling

- He's been in the shoes of a victim of that and he knows how painful he is, and he can't bear doing that to his precious treasure.

- But has restrictions on you of course, and they may seem loose, but if you break one of the more personal ones- you're fucked

- You know what he's capable of, you've seen him 'injure' people and give more 'friends' before as a punishment, and you know how fucked up you are if you do mess with him.

- On the sort of good side, you get to see most of the world with Kiyo.

- Why? Because it's mandatory for you to come with him when he goes travelling for fieldwork for anthropology reasons.

- But when you do visit these places, you must be by his side or at least in his sight.

- You don't really mind these rules when you come with him travelling, as you're too captivated by the stories the elders and the overall culture to notice how possessive the rules are.

Overall /TL;DR :

- Kiyo is the type of yandere to be sorta loose with rules, but the punishments are cruel and slightly sadistic.

- He doesn't like being all over you in terms of possession and just being horrible in general, because he's been the victim of that; he doesn't want to put that pain onto you.

- When you go travelling, these rules and punishment apply- but he keeps it on the down low (for example, he does certain hand signs which represent certain quotes; one hand movement could mean 'stop talking and come back to me now.' And another could mean 'if you don't stop what you're doing, you're getting punished bad.')

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