boyfriend - keith kogane x reader

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(awe, my first x reader fanfic)

"Who was that?"

Keith growled at you, but you only just stood there with wide eyes. You had to admit, Keith was the jealous type of person. But he was your best friend, and you had never seen him determined and furious like this before.

"Y/N, I said, who was that? Who were you talking to?" Keith asked again after you didn't respond. You needed to gather your words, but your heart was just racing as he pinned you against the wall in his room.

"I-I don't know!" You responded, your eyes tearing up as you replied, "He was trying to flirt with me, I don't even know his name! After I told him that I didn't want to go out with him, he began threatening me, so I quickly walked off until you took me into your room!" You began explaining when Keith cut you off.

"So he wasn't your boyfriend..." Keith whispered, gently releasing his grip from your wrists. His hands shook as he fiddled with them after he let you go.

"Why would you even think of that, Keith!" You responded, quickly wiping the tears from your face, "Did you think I was dating someone like that! We've only been here in space for a while, but that doesn't mean I have to instantly date someone." You looked deep into blue-grey eyes.

"I-I don't know why I thought of that Y/N! Maybe it's because your one of the people I care deeply about, and I don't want to lose you because you left me for someone else." Keith responded, looking away briefly before walking towards his bedroom window.

"Y/N, I don't want you to give yourself up to someone who doesn't deserve your everlasting love." He pointed out outside, which was pitch black with small white stars.

"K-Keith, what are you trying to say? Why are you acting like this?" You asked as you walked towards him. Why was Keith acting like this, he had been acting like this for a while now.

Keith sighed as you walked next to him, you looked out the window as well.

"I-I've never felt the way I feel when i'm with you, Y/N. I don't know why I feel like someone actually acknowledges that I'm not just the hothead of the team." A light red brushed upon your cheeks as he vented to you.

"Argh! Why can't I put it in words." He suddenly yelled to himself, placing one of his hands on his forehead.

"Put what into words, Keith. You can vent to me whatever is on your mind, I don't care if it's bad or good, just tell me what's been up with you lately." You whisper, taking his hand off his forehead and gently began to rub it.

He looked down at you rubbing his hand, then looked up at you again.

"It's just that.. I really like you, I really really love you." He told you, "I've never been in love before, and it's scary for me. You know how's it been with my mom and-"

"Keith." You cutted him off his rambling, "Your not alone, seriously, I've had a crush on you sense like high school! I love you, and I don't really have the courage to say this to you, but I want to shout out 'I love Keith Kogane' to the whole universe if I could."

He froze, he hardly knew what to say. No one had cared for him this much before, and it was one that he wanted forever.

"Do you wanna go out? Like- I understand if you don't want to or anything like that." Keith stammered before laughing nervously.

You chucked at his shysih ways, "Keith, I would be delighted to date you, my little dork." You playfully punched his shoulder gently.

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