dating lance mcclain includes

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➵ He vents about his deep homesickness to you, about how he just wants to go home and apologise for what he done.

➵ He likes to pick you up from behind when you least expect it.

➵ Acts like a flirting pro, but when you flirt to him oh boi does he blush. He goes really red, like as a tomato red.

➵ He also opens up to you about his insecurities, he wants you to keep it a secret so you swear on your life not to tell anyone in this entire galaxy.

➵ Every Sunday, you both have a spa day. It's just gonna be you and him only, and that's what matters the most is that he'll have time to spend with you
➵ OH boy does this boy got a lot of beauty products. So be prepared for Lance blabbing on about which one is better.

➵ Sometimes does your makeup if your going to Blue for a ride (because he wants to take you on a date). He's surprisingly good at it, that's what you figured out the first time he done your makeup.
You asked him why, and he said that he learnt it from his sisters.

➵ Anyone who tries to flirt with him, he stops their sentence saying:
"Excuse me, I'm dating a beautiful woman who is my literal universe already has my love and appreciation. This is already reserved for my pride and joy, Y/N"

➵ You cannot go through a day without him sending a heart and/or wholesome meme to you. He loves you too much, and wants to devote some of the love he has for you in something you both connect with.

➵ He sings Spanish songs like 'Gasolina' and 'Despacito' in the shower. Sometimes you hear him singing and you join in and it scares the life out of him.

➵ Scolding at Keith whenever he's being mean to Lance. No one insults your boyfriend, not even Keith can get away from you telling him not to say rude insults again.

➵ On your phone, 'Hips Don't Lie' is your ringtone for Lance's contact.
"So we have to-"
*hips don't lie plays from phone*
"Wait a tick guys, Lance is calling."

➵ The most cheesiest pick up lines in the century.
"They call me the tailor because of how I thread the needle"
"You know what's on the menu? Me-n-u"
"So do you have a name or can I call you mine?"

➵ He secretly thinks that he doesn't deserve your love nor you

➵ This little babble needs attention, no matter what time or what your doing, he needs love. You've seen how the team puts him down sometimes.

➵ You almost broke up with him because of him flirting with other girls, and so he doesn't do it anymore.

➵ This boi is sensitive, so if you guys get into an argument he'll cry.

➵ He instantly knows when your sad (or have a depressive episode, like what I always have) and he will try his hardest to cheer you up. If that doesn't work, he'll gulf you into a big hug.

➵ Him teaching you how to shoot, if you don't know already of course.

➵ In my perceptive, Lance would be pretty devoted to you. If he doesn't have time, he'll make time just for you.


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