hanahaki - gundham x reader

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Sonia Nevermind.

It was all that stupid princess's fault. If it weren't for her, you wouldn't have been going through what you're going through right now.

You were slightly envious of the princess, she was basically everything you weren't. That's why you hated her, because of the fact that she was up to his standards.

You have had a crush on a boy for months, Gundham Tanaka to be exact. At first, you denied having any form of liking to him as you thought he wouldn't be into you. Scratch that, you still think he isn't into you.

That was because of Sonia's mere existence.

You knew that Gundham had standards, he called himself 'The Dark Lord' for a reason. At first, you thought that he wasn't looking for anyone to be with romantically- that was until you saw him hang out with Sonia more and more often.

That's how you saw things of course.

Sonia met Gundham's standards, while you were probably just a mere peasant to him. Sonia was definitely the girl Gundham was looking for, she was an actual princess after all- why not promote her to his 'Dark Queen' while at it.

This leads to where you are now, hunched over the toilet bowl and throwing up 'Queen of the Night' flowers. You hated this, you wish that everything would be over- you were sick of throwing up flowers for a boy who probably doesn't even know who you are.

It really made you feel like trash, it made you realise how stupid you were for liking Gundham in the first place.

You were so close to not getting to the bathroom this morning, it took you a ton of effort just to leave the bed. Mikan had told you a while back that your state was getting worse; that one day either the thorns would be too much for your insides, or you'll choke on the flowers you've been throwing up.

All this pain, pain that Sonia and Gundham would never understand. That pain just made you hate her even more. At this point, you were disgusted by her name even mentioned in a conversation.

Today, you had enough of this pain. One day or another, you would have to tell Gundham your feelings or you would die- and today was going to be that day (if you could even get out of the bathroom that was).


"Are you sure you want to do this? What if he doesn't believe what you're saying?" Mahiru questioned, grabbing fresh clothes for you to change out of your bloodstained clothes.

"Don't say things like that!" Akane hissed, coming out of the bathroom with you in her arms.

You had asked for Akane and Mahiru to come to your cottage to help you out with today. You had told them both about you wanting to confess, and they were more than willing to help you out.

"I know he likes Sonia more than me." You rasped, "But it's worth a shot. If he does know, at least he'll regret it if I died. It's sort of like a death bed wish."

"Don't remind me that you're dying." Akane placed you down on your bed, "It breaks my damn heart that you are, especially over a man like Gundham."

"To me, he's not even a man." Mahiru walked over towards you and Akane, "If he's going to down right ignore how you're feeling, that's just being a coward! Men aren't supposed to be cowards!"

"But what you said, how do you even know he even likes Sonia more?" Akane countered what you said, starting to help you change.

"H-He talks to her more then me." You coughed, a flower falling onto your thigh, "He's hangs out with her more than me. You saw them the other day right? They're that close that they finish each other sentences!"

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