trust - galra!keith x reader

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suggestive themes with this one!

"Do you trust me?"

Keith growled as he shuffled towards you, his large purple ears perked backwards as you fall back onto the bed.

You for one, were speechless on this. You looked up at him, and he placed his hands on the bed hovering over you.

"I said, do you trust me?!" Keith repeated, his hot voice trickling down your neck and his yellow eyes narrowing slightly as he leaned down towards it.

"Of course I do, Keith." Your voice whispered, and you had realised what had been happening. If he was in his Galra form, and the type of behaviour he was show would only happen one month a year.

Did that mean it was mating season for the Galra? Yes.

Did that mean Keith wanted you to be his mate? Hell yes.

He leaned down for your neck, using his fangs to bite and tug on your skin. You began to moan, having the urge to ask for more than love-bites. The bitten skin was now being suckled as both you and him took pleasure of what he was doing to you.

You wrapped your legs around his waist as it urged him to give you more across your collarbone and neck.

After a couple of hickeys and so, he took off his and your shirts and gave you a trademark grin. The fierce, passionate look in his eyes digged deep into yours. You both wanted to go onto the next level, but before you said something.

"Let's test that trust, shall we?" 

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