sinful - hari kurono x aizawa's wife! reader

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this blew up..

"Wait? You're the guy who tried to kill my husband." You raised an eyebrow as you looked over to the male next to you.

You were at a small grocery store near your apartment when you were stuck on what brand of ice cream to get when you saw a figure next to you. Curious, you had turned around to see grey arrow hairs poking out of the white hoodie the male was wearing.

Your husband had told you about the time he had gotten stabbed by a guy with arrow hair before he had gotten arrested- grey arrow hair- like the hair of the person next to you. So out of curiosity, you had asked him that question.

The male turned his head to you, cocking his eyebrow. He looks at you weirdly, as if he's trying to recognise you.

"Who is your husband?" He asks, "And if I were to kill him, why would I?"

"I-I uh." You tried to gather words because of his snappy attitude towards you and his handsome face, "My husband is a pro hero, he didn't tell me why you wanted to kill him though."

"What did he tell you?"

"That a guy with arrow hair blindfolded him and stabbed him before getting arrested."

The male turns back around for a second as if he were pondering, then turned back to you.

"Did he tell you where he got stabbed?"

"At a base or something across those lines."

His eyes widen, before looking around and leaning into your ear.

"I know who your husband is. Don't tell anyone I'm here or I'll do terrible things to you." He leans back and starts to walk away from you.

"Wait!" You turn, catching up to him and grabbing his arm, "Let's talk."


Both you and the male sat on the bench at the bus stop outside of the store, looking out to the busy street ahead. People were walking down the footpaths on each side of the road, on their way to work. At first glance, people would think the two of you were a couple waiting for the bus, but that wasn't the case.

"What's your name?" You asked, looking over to the male next to you.

"Kurono, Hari Kurono. Yours?" He responds, looking down at you.

"Y/N Aizawa, nice to meet you." You smile at him before looking at the street.

"So.. Your husband is a pro hero huh?" Hari breaks the silence between you two, "Must be hard for him to be away all the time."

"Yeah, it gets really lonely at times." You remark sadly, "Sometimes he won't come home for days because he's just too busy."

"Why did you marry him then?"

"I ask myself the same question, but yet I had hope for the relationship- also I was young and in love."

"I get what you mean, being young can make you do some reckless decisions. Some of which you'll regret in the future."

"What do you mean?"

"It's a long story- a very long one."

"Ah. But I get what you mean, stupid decisions can destroy your future. I mean look at me- I'm stuck in a relationship where I feel like I'm not loved or even needed in some places." You sigh, looking down at the ground.

"Why don't you rebel?" Hari suggests making you look up at him in confusion, "Make your life fun for once in a while."

"What do you mean?"

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