uh what?

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*six months later*

Time was flying by a little too quickly for everyone's liking, rue was growing up like there's no tomorrow, and jay and Olivia are better than ever. Olivia took jays advice and decided to re-join a group therapy organisation, and finally, she can place her hand on her heart and swear that she feels content with her trauma, she can deal with it in a healthy way. Jays super proud of her, and she's super proud of him, they wouldn't have made it without each other, and that's the best part.

The weddings in 3 months, yes... they got engaged. Rue's going to be the flower girl, of course, even though Adam put up a good argument with the baby about being the part himself. Olivia had already got the dresses sorted, it's finally falling together again. 

                 If you asked the pair what their futures would be like before they met each other, they would've given a complete different answer to reality.  Neither of them expected to be engaged, with a toddler, and working in the same unit as each other.  It's crazy how life works but one thing they do know is that jobs come and go, opportunities can be lost and found; but these three, are irreplaceable...

"Liv?" Jay yelled from inside the kitchen. Olivia came running into the room given that his voice sounded concerned, "everything alright?" She shook her head. "Why's the child eating corn flakes?" He pointed to rue who was sat on the floor with the tub of corn flakes surrounding her. Olivia let her mouth fall open, it all happened so quick, "I blinked once, yet she's already causing trouble..." she laughed but reached down to pick rue up since jay had raw chicken in his hands. "And whats on your face?" He laughed too. Olivia furrowed her brows, "uh what?" She smirked. Jay nodded to the nearby mirror so she wandered over to it and glared at herself. "You are so cheeky..." she poked rues sides which gained a sweet giggle from the toddler. Olivia turned back around with purple pen all over her cheeks, "we live in a zoo" she smiled before walking out of the kitchen to go clean rue up. Jay let out a chesty laugh and shook his head in amusement, they really are living the life...

*hey guys! I'm sorry for the long hiatus, I've been trying to write some other stories and with everything getting busy again I've struggled to get a minute to myself. I've decided to cut this story off here or else it would become a long repetitive loop lol, thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Hope everyone is well and happy... new stories coming soon! :)*

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