things happen...

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*one month later*

Everything was great, Olivia settled in within days and the team were already used to the way she works, she's like a mini Voight just slightly less intimating. Jay knew that the day Olivia leaves him, if she ever does, will completely break him since they've grown so close not just as partners, as friends too. Today they were all called out to a suicide bombing threat since the bomb squad needed backup, the team would need to carry on the case because it seems to be linked to a string of bomb threats, this was now their case.

They all arrived on scene and were waiting for orders when the Sargent from the bomb squad walked over to them, "I need two men to get eyes inside, my squads too busy deactivating the second bomb vest" he huffed. Hank nodded and looked towards his most suitable detectives for this case, simply due to their time at war, "Harper, Halstead, you two go in. Be careful" he warned them. The pair smiled weakly and nodded before the Sargent lead them over to the door, "he's in the third room on the left" he nodded and opened the door for them. Jay and Olivia looked at each other and instantly knew they were ready so they walked in and slowly crept down to the room they had been instructed to go to.

                 Jay signalled to Olivia that he was gonna peep his head around so she nodded and held her gun down low.  The man spotted him and yelled, he had a shot gun in one hand and the trigger for the vest in the other, "Stop! I swear I will blow this place up!" He screamed.  Jay stood behind the wall again and shot Olivia a glare, "you try" he whispered.  Olivia nodded and put her gun in the back on her jeans where it could be hidden and composed herself before walking into the room.  Her eyes widened when she saw that the man was actually someone she served time with in Iraq, "c'mon Campbell, this isn't what you wanna do..." she raised her hands as jay got ready with his gun behind the wall, he was confused at how she knew his name slightly.

                  The man shook his head, "no liv no! Get back, I will shoot you..." his voice trailed off with the thought of what he just said, "no. I'm not gonna shoot you...just lift up your shirt and stay there" he corrected himself.  Olivia smiled sadly and lifted up her shirt to reveal the fact she had no gun, they were good friends so she knew he didn't mean it, "see, I just wanna talk. I'd appreciate it if you could lower the gun though" she nodded.  The man thought about it and slowly lowered the gun, "I can't do this liv..." he cried out.  Olivia, almost unnoticeably, edged her feet and body closer to him, "yes you can, you're better than this. I know you don't wanna hurt anyone C so just stay still and we can all walk out of here alive" she smiled and out her hands out.  Jay was getting ready to move in by now, "he's cooperating Sarge" he whispered into his phone which was on call.

                   Olivia could tell by his face that he was contemplating something, "don't do anything you'll regret C, I'm here to help you..." she started but his groan cut him off.  He raised his gun to his own head and shook it slowly, "no, no I can't be helped now..." he sighed before pulling the trigger.  Olivia had to react quickly as his body fell to the floor, she dived towards the trigger and caught it in her hands while trying to avoid the button.  Jay came running into the room at the sound of the bang which echoed through the building, "liv? Liv you good?" He had worry flashed over his face. Olivia nodded and caught her breath back as she held the trigger still in her hands, "I'm good!" She huffed.

Jay stopped at the bottom of the stairs when he saw what really happened, "Sarge it's a recovery, bring bomb squad in" he sighed into his phone. There was a minutes silence before a few members of the bomb squad ran in, "stay still, we're gonna take it from your hands" a woman crouched down next to Olivia who was still on the floor holding the trigger. Olivia nodded and let them remove the remote from her hands, she let go of the breath she was holding before standing up, "you alright?" Hank walked over to her. Olivia sighed and looked back to her old friends dead body, "yeah I'm alright" she nodded and smiled weakly. Jay frowned, "let's get out of here" he nodded and lead them all out of the room.

Back at the district Olivia was washing the blood off her hands in the locker room when jay walked in and joined her, "you okay?" He nodded since he noticed how quiet she had gone from the whole ordeal. She turned around and nodded before wiping her wet hands on her shirt, it was nearly the end of shift anyways, "yeah I'm fine" she sat down. Jay sat down on the opposite bench when he saw her go to explain the situation, "I knew him from the army, Matteo Campbell, we were in Iraq for two years together. Three months before we were planning to go home he got shot, had to medically leave the battalion, I guess he hasn't been coping very well since. Probably didn't reach out to anyone either" she shrugged and but her bottom lip nervously. Jay smiled sadly, "I'm sorry liv..." he placed a hand in hers since he could see her fiddling with her fingers.

Olivia looked up and smiled sadly, "things happen... Not everyone can be helped" she stood up as jay let go of her hand. Jay smiled, "I would say mollys after shift but maybe a quiet night in would be better?" He smiled, sometimes they'd just hang at each other's places when cases were tough. Olivia laughed and smiled slightly, " place?" She raised an eyebrow. Jay smiled and nodded, "yeah" he nodded, he had an apartment and she had a house so it made more sense for them to hang out at her place more than his. And that's what they done, after shift they got pizza and beers and just sat down in the couch to watch a film, both feeling safe in each other's presence.

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