you can say that again

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"You nervous?" Olivia smiled and linked her arm through jays as they walked up the steps of the bullpen.  He let out a deep sigh, "yeah kinda" he smiled sadly.  Olivia rested her chin on his shoulder, "we'll be fine, nothings gonna happen. Let's just focus on the case and it'll be over in no time" she smiled, jay smiled back, she always knows just what to say.  As they walked into the bullpen a team of professional looking detectives stood in front of them, all in black suits. Olivia just carried on walking as jay lingered around a bit, he used Kevin as a distraction, "just face her man, it's not as bad as you think" Kevin smiled weakly. Jay had no idea as to what that meant but he took his teammates word for it and followed Olivia over to hank.

               "Harper, this is the task force. I'm sure there'll be time for you to chat later, but for now, lindsay'll partnering up with you and halstead" hank nodded and pointed to Erin. Jay finally walked up behind his girlfriend and watched nervously as Olivia shook hands with Erin, oh, that wasn't as bad as he thought, his only worry was his girlfriend not getting along with Erin at all.  Jay smiled weakly at Erin before looking away from her, god she looks the exact same, all of the memories flooded back into his mind, none of them good.  Hank clapped his hands straight away, "right, we have to nail this prick before he can do anymore damage. Let's make a timeline of everything we know so far" he looked around at his own team then the task force. 

              A series of hours later, after three false leads, a million coffee breaks and many awkward interactions between Erin and jay, they had hit a brick wall, Yates was just too clever. They had resorted to visiting one of the coffee shops that Yates had taken a few of his victims from, he was seen there 5 times in this past month but where he vanished to after that, no one knows. Erin and Olivia were being used as bait since that's what Yates would want to see if he was lurking around somewhere. Olivia took a sip of her coffee, "so, you guys been busy?" She smiled at Erin, she knows Jay can hear her through the wires but she doesn't mind.

"Yeah, I'd say so. Mainly just gang related crimes. You guys been busy too?" Erin returned the smile. Olivia nodded, "yeah, Chicago gets crazy this time of year" she laughed a little. Erin laughed too, it seems like they're getting along. Jay felt a little tense when hearing their conversation but knowing they were getting along made him feel better. Erin took a sip of her coffee, "so I hear you're dating jay?" She bit her tongue. Olivia nodded, "yeah I am, he's a great guy" she smiled. Jay felt his heart melt but he had no idea as to why Erin felt the need to ask that. Erin smiled, "yeah, great until he's snoring" she laughed. Olivia laughed too, "you can say that again" she smiled. Kevin chuckled to himself, "boy I shoulda known you snore" he slapped jays arm. Jay rolled his eyes, his snoring isn't that bad right? Right...?

            "You see that?" Olivia sat up and pointed to one of the girls at the counter.  Erin looked over to the till, "the blonde? Yeah, she looks scared..." she nodded.  Olivia's eyes followed a man as he walked out of the cafe with his hood up, he seemed to be in a rush.  "You go check on her, I think that's Yates" Olivia stood up and put $5 onto the table.  Erin nodded and watched as Olivia left the cafe.  She walked over to the girl to see her holding a note in her hand. 

            "Liv be careful" jay spoke through her ear piece.  Olivia took a deep breath before purposely walking into Yates as they came face to face with each other, "god, I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going" she laughed a little bit.  Yates took his hood down to look at Olivia from head to toe, "don't worry about it" he smiled devilishly.  Olivia smiled falsely before walking away.  "Sarge it's him, are we moving in or?" Olivia walked away and spoke quietly into her radio.  Yates watched as she walked off before putting his hood up and walking away again.  "No, we stay put. He still has three girls, we need him to lead us to them. If we spook him now he'll kill them" hank sighed through the ear piece.  Olivia nodded and waited until Yates was out of sight before walking back into the cafe to meet Erin. 

             "You get anything?" She walked up to Erin.  Erin nodded, "yeah he gave her a note, there's a time and location on it. I'm assuming that was Yates?" She looked at Olivia curiously.  Olivia nodded as the pair walked out of the cafe, "so she was his next victim..." Erin sighed as they got back into Olivia's car. They drove back to the district and met everyone else there to.

"Tomorrow 3pm, Nancy's bakery" Erin held up the note. Hank nodded, "alright, smith, Burgess and ruzek. I want you three to go to that bakery tomorrow and see if he shows. If he's smart he'll run" he sighed. Everyone nodded before jay walked over to Olivia, "you alright?" He stood in front of her. Olivia smiled truthfully, "yeah I'm good" she squeezed his hand slightly.  Jay smiled before leaving her to get on with contacting the waitress from the ship to tell her not to go tomorrow in case Yates showed up.  He walked into the break room clueless to the fact that Erin was in there. He knew it would be unprofessional to walk out now that he was in there so he just got on with it.

"Hey" Erin smiled weakly, jay smiled back, "hey, how's things been?" He nodded. Erin leaned on the counter, "great, you?" She looked down. Jay nodded, "yeah things are really good" he looked out at Olivia who was in the phone. Erin smiled, "she's sweet" Erin looked up at him. Jay looked at her in confusion, "Olivia, she's really sweet. Pretty girl too" Erin nodded at his cluelessness. Jay nodded, "yeah she's a lifesaver, especially now rues around" he smiled. Erin frowned, "who's rue?" She smiled weakly. Jay sighed, "my daughter, she's not Olivia's but she always will be in mine and rues eyes" he nodded. Erins eyes widened, "you have a daughter?" She turned to face him. Jay nodded with a proud smile, "it wasn't exactly planned" he laughed a little.

"I'm happy for you" Erin nodded, after all, she has a life of her own now too. Jay smiled, "what about you? Anything drastic happening in your life?" He laughed a little. Erin smiled and fiddled with her ring finger, "yeah, I'm engaged actually" she smiled weakly. Jay raised his eyebrows, "really? Wow, congratulations" he smiled weakly. Erin nodded, "thanks, I never wear my ring while on duty. Too scared of losing it" she laughed a little before Adam knocked on the door, "sorry to interrupt but we have a new victim..." he sighed. Jay looked at Erin with a sad nod before following Adam out, Erin sighed and followed suit. At least they're on calmer terms now, but that was a shock to both of them...

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