you all know them

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*two days later*

Today was finally the big day, her first day in intelligence. She had spent the past couple of days familiarising herself with the city since she would need it for her job, but she was surprised she didn't bump into any of the unit on her jollies. She was sat in bed staring at the ceiling, she had woken up even before her alarm rang so she rolled out of bed and walked over her freshly hoovered carpet and towards her wardrobe. She scanned the contents before stopping at some work suitable clothes and threw them onto her bed. She quickly tied her hair up into a bun and grabbed a towel from a basket in the corner of her room before walking her way into the hallway and into the beautiful upstairs bathroom on her floor, it was the fancy one with heated rocks below the counter.

She enjoyed her shower but got out before she could have the chance to stay in any longer and dried her hair while she was in the bathroom. Once she was half her ready she wandered back into her bedroom and began changing into her clothes. One thing she liked about this in particular was the need to wear normal clothes and not combat uniform everyday for work, as much as she did look strange to herself, she liked it. Her body was extremely toned as you'd expect from an ex soldier, she has an 8 pack and extremely strong muscles but there's still a very girl side to her which is why her closet is full of dresses.  Once she had her outfit of the day on she slipped downstairs and grabbed some breakfast before sliding into her doc Martin work boots and throwing a jacket on. Once she was sure she was prepared she made her way out of the house and began her drive to the district.


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                In the bullpen it was silently awkward, the only sound which could be heard was the clicking of keys on their keyboards as they rattled their way through paperwork.  Adam looked up from his desk after a solid minute of typing, he noticed how empty the team looked, Kevin was off sick today since his little sister had given him the flu and jay still had no partner, which from the way jay was slouched back in his chair, he could tell it was really getting to his dear friend.  Hank strolled out into the bullpen which broke them all out of their work, "stay put, I'll be back in a sec with the new member of intelligence..." he teased them all and began walking towards the stairs.  They all sat up straight in confusion for a second, "what? Wait, who is it?" Kim raised her eyebrows.  Hank laughed and shook his head, "you all know them" he shrugged and walked downstairs, leaving it at that, leaving them to ponder to themselves.

Jay looked over to the empty desk opposite that of his own, is this the day where he finds his new partner? Oh god, the nerves hit him like a brick. After Erin left months ago he'd literally been stuck partnerless and the idea of finding someone brand new scares him, but the way hank talked about them reassured him a little...

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