tone it down

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At around 4:15pm both jay and Olivia got into her car and started driving towards the airport, "I'll warn you know, taylors very sarcastic but Danny's not that bad" she laughed a little, jay smiled, "I'm sure they'll be fine" he laughed too, he was rather happy about meeting them.  They arrived at the airport at around 4:45pm and immediately walked straight over to the gate where the kids and Millie would greet them, they made conversation before Olivia spotted her three siblings walking down the escalator steps, "there they are" she nodded and waved.  Jay looked over to see two girls and a boy getting closer to them, he could tell straight away that they were related to Olivia, they were doubles of her. 

                 Olivia crouched down and picked Danny up as he ran over to her, "hey bud..." she blew raspberries onto his cheek as the kid laughed and hugged her.  She pulled Taylor into a side hug, "you alright?" She smiled.  Taylor nodded, "I will be when you stop talking like that" she laughed in her strong Scottish accent, but jay could fully understand her.  Olivia laughed and put Danny down before giving Millie a hug, "hey" Millie smiled, "I have 10 minutes to get to the gate for Estonia so I better get going, I'll call you when I land. Be good kids, or she'll kill you" Millie nodded then smiled at jay.  Millie walked off in a hurry as the kids looked up to her and jay, "this is jay, he's staying with me for now so be nice" Olivia smiled at jay then picked Danny up.  Jay nodded and smiled at Taylor mainly who was nodding back, "I'm not talking to you if you're gonna speak like that" Taylor huffed. 

                  Olivia laughed, "well you need to tone it down, just because we can understand you doesn't mean anyone else will" she finally caved in and used her original Scottish accent.  Jay smiled, he'd missed the sound of that. The got into their car, Olivia had already put the car seat in the back, "there you go bud" she placed a finger under his chin and smiled, the child smiled back and swung his legs around. Taylor smiled at jay as Olivia got in the car, "are you the boyfriend?" She raised an eyebrow. Olivia opened her mouth, "Tayls..." she shook her head. Jay just laughed, "no I'm Olivia's partner" he smiled. Taylor nodded, "ahhh, I see" she smiled then looked out of the window. Olivia smiled and laughed with jay before driving home.

                   Back at home olivia helped Taylor unpack as jay kept Danny busy downstairs with his iPad, the two girls walked back downstairs as Olivia noticed something on the back of her sisters neck, "what's that?" She pulled the teenagers shirt down a little.  Taylor shrugged, "is that a tattoo?" Olivia laughed a little.  Taylor nodded, "aye" she smiled.  Olivia shook her head, "you'll regret that when you're older" she raised her eyebrows.  Taylor huffed, "says the one who has 6 tattoos" she shrugged.  Olivia rolled her eyes playfully, "7 actually" she corrected her sister.  Taylor raised her eyebrows, "what? Since when?" She shook her head.  Olivia nodded, "last year" she stuck her tongue out.  Jay just smiled at how childish the pair were together as Danny watched some kind of kids show on his iPad.

They all sat down and watched a film later that night, Olivia was scrolling through her emails as she sat next to jay with Danny next to her on his iPad while Taylor sat on the arm chair. She received a Snapchat from her sister so she looked up to see Taylor smiling at her, "what have you done?" She put her hands out. Taylor shrugged and laughed as Olivia opened her Snapchat. Taylor had been taking photos of Olivia with stupid filters on and sending them to her, jay saw the pictures on her phone and just laughed. Olivia set her phone down and flicked at her sister, "f off" she mouthed since Danny was sat next to her. Taylor laughed but continued with the spam so Olivia took pictures of Taylor back, jay knew this week was going to be a laugh, and he couldn't wait.

                   Later that night they decided it was time to crash to they all wandered off to their floors, Olivia picked Danny up since he was already asleep and followed jay up the stairs, Taylor was tagging along behind them.  Before they could separate ways Taylor stopped on the second set of stairs, "wait, you guys aren't sleep in the same room are you?" She smirked.  Olivia and jay turned around, "of course not, now go to bed" Olivia smirked back, she knew what her sister was trying to do.  Jay smiled a little, "night..." Taylor hummed and plodded up the steps.  Olivia smiled, "night" she called out as Danny stirred around in her arms.  Jay smiled, "night" he nodded.  Olivia smiled back, "night jay" she yawned and walked off to put danny to bed first.   He smiled and watched her go into her room before going to bed himself, he has to admit, the spare room looks better than his own room.

Olivia woke up the next morning to a pair of feet in her face, "thanks dan" she laughed a little. He was still asleep so she wriggled out from underneath him and got changed into some work clothes. She left him asleep while she went downstairs to put breakfast on, she decided to whip up eggs and bacon, but she couldn't forget the dippy eggs and soldiers for Danny so she made them too. Jay walked downstairs shorty after she did, "morning" he smiled. Olivia looked over her shoulder and smiled back, "morning, coffees in the machine" she nodded.  He smiled back, "thanks" he nodded and made his way over to the coffee machine.  He was bout to make conversation but before he could speak he felt a little hand tap the back of his knee, "oh hey buddie" he smiled and crouched down as Danny held up a paw patrol teddy bear.

                       Olivia smiled as Danny showed jay his toy, but they were soon interrupted by Taylor as she walked down the stairs groggily, "I just realised, where am I going when you're at work like?" She yawned.  Olivia laughed, "school" she smirked.  Taylor gasped, "no... you're having me on. Please say you're joking with me" she laughed in disbelief.  Olivia smiled at jay and shook her head, "I'm telling the truth Tayls, you're going to school" she raised her eyebrows.  Taylor huffed, "Olivia I literally fluked my maths gcse, what is school gonna do for me now?" She folded her arms.  Olivia shrugged, "not my problem" she laughed.  Taylor huffed, "but the S5's are done in school back home" she sighed.  Olivia shrugged, "we'll you're not at home are you? And the kids here are still at school so tough luck babes" she smiled.

                       Jay just laughed a little, it's funny seeing their humour, "anyways, I didn't say you have to take it seriously, I just want you to behave" Olivia added.  Taylor shrugged, "fine" she smirked back.  Olivia smiled and slid a plate of breakfast in front of everyone, "Dan stop picking at your food, you're gonna have sticky fingers" she chuckled.  Once everyone was done jay took over with the cleaning up so Olivia could go help Danny clean himself up and change, Taylor also got ready for school.  Danny was going to the daycare that cindy takes her 5 year old to, Hermann told Olivia about it which was handy.

After dropping Danny off at daycare next up was Taylor, "oh my god, I just remembered there's no big Tesco's here is there?" Taylor huffed. Olivia laughed, "no Tayls, there's no Morrisons either" she smiled, jay had no clue as to what these shops were, he just assumed they were the British equivalent to target and Walmart. Taylor huffed, "Christ, I'll just have to go without the caramel wafer things, you know, the tunnock ones..." she twined. Olivia nodded, "no you won't, dad put some in Danny's suitcase coz it's all he likes" she smiled. Taylor gasped, "thank god for that, I'm in love with em" she sighed as they rolled up to the school drop off zone. Taylor gasped, "what the fu- I mean hell is going on? they all look so different" she looked at the kids. Olivia laughed a little, "they're the same as you, now get out the car" she smirked. Taylor laughed and hopped out before wandering over to a group of girls who looked her age.

                       At the end of the day Taylor hopped into Olivia's car, "oh my god, I don't know how I stopped myself from skelping the lot of them" she huffed.  Olivia laughed, "it wasn't that bad" she smirked, jay had no idea what was going on, "skelping means slapping" Olivia smiled.  Jay mouthed 'oh' as Taylor sighed, "liv you dinnae know how bad they were, they do nothing but talk" she fastened her seatbelt.  Olivia laughed, "that's wise coming from you, you're an absolute blether" she raised an eyebrow.  Jay smiled, "I'm assuming that means chatter box" he tilted his head.  Taylor laughed, "aye! See you're getting it now like" she smiled.  Olivia laughed and shook her head in amusement at jay before driving them home.

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