it's a no

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                "What do you mean this isn't my fault? She went to get my birthday cake..." Erin shook her head as jay followed her into the break room.  Jay shook his head too, "look Erin, this isn't anyone's fault other than yate's okay? No matter what liv was doing out there, no one is to blame. He was probably following her from this morning..." he shook his head.  Erin looked down, "I'm sorry jay..." she sighed.  Jay frowned, "we're gonna find her, I'll make sure of it" he rubbed his face.  Erin nodded and watched as he left the break room, it hurts to see him so upset even though they have no more feelings for each other, he's still an old friend with a lot of history which she can't just forgot about.

                Jay slumped down on onto a bench in the locker room and completely broke down, this cannot be happening, this can't be real.  Someone needs to punch him square in the face so he can wake up.  A killer has his girlfriend and no one knows where the hell he's taking her, she could be in another country by now, or she could be dead and tossed into some river.  He couldn't stop his emotions from pouring out until he felt a strong hand on his shoulder, "we're gonna find her..." Kevin looked down.  Jay let out a loud sigh, "I can't lose her man, she's everything I am..." he buried his head into his hands even further.  Kevin nodded, "you're not gonna lose her, we're gonna find her" he frowned.

After hours of searching, the first form of dreaded news came to them, oh no...

"Homicide called, they've got a female DOA on sight of their crime scene. Forensics haven't came back yet, they need us to check it out..." Hank appeared in his office doorway with his head down. Jay stood up, "what? They think it's liv?" He turned pale. Hank nodded slowly which made jays stomach churn, no, god no...

Hank drove Jay to the crime scene, it was silent, yet neither of them felt the need to talk. Once they had arrived it felt like something was awaiting them, yet something didn't feel right. "Where is she?" Hank looked at the officers. They pointed to the sand on a nearby beach like area, the whole double team sprinted over to the homicide team who were collecting pictures, "female DOA, unknown, no forensic evidence yet" the Sargent nodded. Hank looked at jays face which was almost grey.

Jay looked down at the arm poking out of the plastic sheet, it had Olivia's bracelet on. No, there must be another answer, this can't be happening. Jay shook his head and ran his hand over his face, "that's livs bracelet..." he spoke shakily. Hank looked at the Sargent, "the only dna print we found was those of Yates and Olivia's on the bracelet..." the Sargent nodded. Jay shook his head, he couldn't look. The Sargent shook his head, "the face is unrecognisable, there's no use doing an identification" he shook his head. Hank nodded, "let us see..." he bit his tongue. Jay kept his back to the body, if this is Olivia then he can't see her like this.

Hank shook his head as they pulled the plastic cover down, "doesn't liv have a shoulder tattoo?" He enquired. Jay nodded with his back to the body, "yeah, uhm, a butterfly..." he confirmed. Hank let out a small sigh, "this isn't liv" hank stepped back. Jay slowly turned around to see the badly burnt body but indeed saw that both shoulders were tattoo free which meant this wasn't Olivia, "so it's a no?" The Sargent looked around. Jay shook his head, "it's a no" he smiled weakly. Words could not describe how relieved he was, of course he was sad for the victim but his mind was only on Olivia right now. He needs her, rue needs her...


                 "I bet your little teams searching all over for you..." yates laughed as he walked around sharpening his knife whilst Olivia was chained up to the post of a bed with duck tape around her feet and mouth so she couldn't yell or run. She shot him unfazed looks as he paced the small basement looking room, but she was terrified inside, she's seen what this man is capable of, she doesn't want to be his next victim. He raised his eyebrows, "no really, I bet they're running around the city searching every corner. But they won't find you, oh no, not unless I tell them where you are" he laughed and approached her. She shot him a dirty look so he placed the sharp point of the knife right underneath her chin.

"Speak to me livvy, use your words..." he teased evilly since he knows she has duck tape around her mouth. He flicked the knife away which cut her chin ever so slightly, she winced a little bit showed no other sign of weakness.  He threw the knife onto the floor which caused a loud clunking sound to ring against the metal pipes in the room, it created a high pitched squeal in Olivia's ear.  He walked over to her and grabbed her shirt before pulling her upright so she was exactly at his eye level, "you know, ever since you purposefully bumped into me two days ago. I've been watching you, every . Second. Of the day" he smirked. She pulled a face, well if that isn't creepy she doesn't know what is...

"But really, you're smart. Thinking I wouldn't know who you are? Trying to catch me out... It was you I wanted all along sweetheart, not the waitress, you. That note was a load of crap, I was two steps ahead of your little team, I always am. No more happy birthday for Erin huh? You kinda ruined her cake, by the way..." he whispered the last part down her ear. His breath on her neck made her shiver but she couldn't crack, not yet, it's too risky. He pulled away and laughed, "what a load of fuss, I could've snatched you up last night when you walked out of the takeaway place. Did you enjoy your Chinese food with that boyfriend and partner of yours? Well tough, you're mine, and soon enough you'll be six feet under..." he snapped before shaking her and throwing her back down.

She widened her eyes as he took his own jacket off, he threw it to the floor but grabbed her legs so she couldn't wriggle away, she tried to scream as much as she could, but the duck tape had other plans. He laugh and grabbed her shirt by the top before effortlessly ripping it open leaving her torso exposed, despite the fact she still had a bra on, but he immediately stopped admiring her when his eyes fell on the butterfly tattoo on her shoulder. He quickly got off her and stood up leaving her feeling rather panicked and terrified, "no, I can't..." he paced the room. A tear rolled down her face as she fully realised what he was just about to do, luckily he got spooked by something, as to what she had no clue...

"Why? What? You don't..." he shook his head and began to get flustered by the fact she had that specific tattoo in that specific location. She looked at him through her tear flooded eyes, "you're not!" He yelled and walked towards her again. He seemed angry, sad and panicked at the same time, as he grabbed her by the shoulders, "y-you ruined it..." he yelled and threw a cold hard punch to the side of her cheek. The blow must've been hard since her head fell to the side, she was out cold...

Yates grabbed his jacket and put it back on before picking up the knife he had just sharpened, he made his mark by flicking it under her chin again.  Then he moved down to her arm, he found the main vein running along the inside of her arm and pierced the knife into it. The second he pulled the knife out, blood started pouring down her arm and down her fingers. He didn't want his bed sheets getting too ruined, although he had bigger things to worry about, so he let her arm flop over the side of the bed. He stepped back to look at what he'd done.

The ripped apart shirt which was barely even clinging onto her shoulders, the incisions across her chin, the blood dripping onto the floor slowly but surely, the bruise on her cheek. It was no different to what he usually does, but this time... this time he didn't hurt her like he did with the other girls, he just couldn't... She had ruined it for him and now he was panicking, not only had this plan failed but she had shaken him up and completely broke his mentality. He took one last look at her lifeless body which was still chained to the bed by one arm, then left in a hurry making sure no one would find her.

Irreplaceable Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora