I shook my head. "Leave Beta Carson alone will ya'? What he chooses to do is up to him, stop ripping him for not following in your whorish ways." I taunted with a warning. 

I knew the real reasons why Carson didn't engage with intercourse with other females. He was hurt and still in pain from the rejection from his mate. It wasn't something easy we could get over. Good wolves are loyal and as much as many people paint us as the villains, we are good people who have followed the way of the Goddess. We wouldn't dare disrespect our Goddess. 

Despite my relationship with the Goddess being tested at every straw, after I lost everything, she gave me purpose. My purpose was to help the chosen one in any capacity I could. It was a duty I had been preparing for all these years. I would help the chosen one, the saviour but I will also get revenge on those who caused me pain and ruined my life. Taking the King well that was part of my revenge and despite my wolf clawing to seem. I would see his Kingdom and family in ruins. He deserves it for the choices he made. 

"Close the door Carson then take a seat. Reed we have things to discuss." I informed. 

While Reed chucked himself into the chair, Carson closed the door and followed him and sat in the empty chair next to him. There faces which was once filled with laughter was now serious. There lips were pursed into thin lines as we prepared ourselves for what is ahead. 

"Carson, how was the pack while we were away?" I asked. 

"The pack was fine, there were a few pack guards sniffing around outside the barrier but they didn't get near. They were deterred as they saw no threat. The pack have been safe, we have hunted for meat outside the barrier with no disturbances. The two wolves we had been led to are still in the infirmary resting. They are going through the change but the doctors believe they will survive. We got to them just in time."

"Excellent, the barrier is still working then, despite the curse being lifted. Have we enough emergency rations should we need to be in lockdown." I asked. 

"Yes, we have enough rations to last us a year, plus with whatever we can grow in the grounds we would be able to survive beyond that." Carson explained. 

"That's good, we need to be prepared. Training is still being completed?" I questioned. 

"Yes training is still happening twice a day. Warriors are getting stronger, everyone is able to defend themselves. Some of the warriors have been giving the children lessons on basic defence techniques should they need them." Carson stated with a nod.

"Perfect, we can't afford to lose any of our family. Now that the curse has been lifted we can move about. I don't know what effect it will have on us, only time will tell, but we must be prepared for what is ahead." I explained. "Reed, where is the King?" I asked. 

"He is a holding cell in the the prison we made last year. We have people guarding it but they do not know who is in there. No one does. The cell was reinforced but made comfortable." Reed replied. 

"Has he woken up yet?" 

"Yes he has Rita. He seems to be confused as to where he is, he has become agitated countless times and has tried to break out but it has been unsuccessful. The reinforcements seemed to be working." Reed replied. 

"I'm guessing he transformed into his wolf?" I mused. 

"Yes but it was strange, when he did his wolf just there patiently like he was waiting. He made no attempts to move or escape. It was like he wanted to be here." Reed explained. 

I smirked, I knew his wolf wouldn't abandon me, he was the only good thing about Alexander. His wolf had allowed his human to make many mistakes and deep down I understood he had good intentions but if he was on the other side of this war I knew that we would not win. As much as I loathed him, I needed him just as much. 

I sighed thinking about the happiness I could have had with him, closing my eyes I imagined myself and Alexander having the life I always desired. Imagined his warm embrace, him holding me closely to him as our pups ran across the pack lawn. Just as everything was perfect in my mind, I saw him and Lamia, their toxic kisses and affection trickle into memories. I saw them raise their perfect baby boy. Alexander's eyes filled with awe and happiness as his pup took his first steps, while Lamia smiled loving, clapping with glee at his achievements. 

I could feel my mood sour at my thoughts, my wolf was pained at the imagines, but I was filled with rage. For he had abandoned his true mate for a leech with no morals. He didn't even realise his Kingdom was falling apart and he had left his people to suffer. He allowed an innocent wolf to be killed by his chosen bitch of a Queen. I clenched my fist. 

For me, all that was left was vengeance and I knew it was within my grasp. I knew that I had a purpose and I would succeed in helping the saviour but I would not stop until Lamia was beaten and destroyed. I would torture her and leave her hanging for life like she has down. I would ensure that bitch died a slow and painful death. 

"What are your plans for the King?" Reed asked. I could feel his angst through the pack bond. I was close to my pack members, for they were family and nothing could be hidden from me. If someone was distressed, I would relieve their pain. I would never let someone suffer under my hand. 

"The specifics have not been worked out yet, but I will visit him soon. We need to get him on side and make him understand what is at risk. As much as I hate to say it, he is an ally we cannot afford to lose. We do not have long, time is running thin. The saviour has been reborn and we must help her and for us to be successful we need to get the King on side. If not the Order will rise and destroy life as we know it." I sombrely said. 

"Who is the saviour? What do we know about her?" Carson asked as he raised an eyebrow. 

"Her name is Leyla. I haven't had much time to speak with her but from her scent she was the Royal pack. I don't know what ties she has there but she was close to Nona. She scented her on me and I could sense that she would have killed if I didn't tell her I wasn't responsible for her death." I stated. 

"How do we know we can trust her if she is from that treacherous pack?" Carson's voice became slightly louder, I could feel hear the anxiety in his voice. 

"Blood oath was taken." Reed responded. Carson nodded. 

"So she is the chosen one? Are you sure?" Carson asked. 

"Witnessed with both my eyes, she was like a phoenix rising from ashes when she ascended from the Moon Goddess' pool. The power radiating from her is intimidating. Our family bowed to her. Their wolves recognised her as a true leader. I don't know how much she knows but she referred to herself as the Goddess' Warrior." I said. 

"What are you going to do with her?" Reed questioned as he scratched the back of his neck. 

I pushed myself back into my office chair and folded my arms. "Train her to harness her powers and prepare her for the war ahead. It was written in my destiny and it is what must be done."

"Destiny?" Carson looked confused. I knew I hadn't told my brother the full extent to what has happened in the past, despite his loyalty and love. I didn't want to burden him any more than he already was. I saw Reed frown, I knew his wolf would be hurt by what must happen for he had suffered just as much as I had. Things had happened beyond our help or control, both of us were collateral of people's greed and bad decisions. He was the only one who the truth. The truth would have killed my brother, it was better this way. 

"Yes my destiny. You do not need to worry about that brother. That is for me to worry about. All I need you to do is much sure you welcome Leyla. She needs to feel at home here. She needs to trust us, if she doesn't then we are all doomed." I finished. 

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