file 18- NWR number 15 "lily"

40 0 0

Name: lily
Number: 15
Engine type:
Wheel arrangement:
Fuel type: coal
Shed designation: wellsworth, then tidmouth finally Kirk Ronan.
Primary job: passenger engine on the Kirk Ronan branch line.

Lily is a lswr 02 built at Nine Elms Works in 1889 and was the 3 of her class to be built. Lily would run on the lswr for only 4 months before in October of that year she was sold to the wellsworth and suddery railway.

When she arrived on sodor lily would become the primary express engine on the W&S until the arrival of number 4 Emily in 1894.

After the formation of the NWR in 1914, lily alongside Colin were moved to work the Arlesburgh branch until it closed alongside the mid-sodor railway in 1930.

Lily was then alicated to Kirk Ronan sheds on the Kirk Ronan branch line where she still is today. She shares the branch line with NWR number 16 croven.

In 1977 lily would gain the number 15 under the NWR'S new number plan.

Input from the real engine
Lily only wished to add one thing to this record and that was actually she spent time on the brendam branch before going to Kirk Ronan because extra engine were needed there.

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