file 9- NWR number 6 "percy"

129 0 0

Number: 6
Engine type: industrial tank engine for Peckett and Sons
Wheel arrangement: 0-4-0
Fuel type: coal
Shed designation: formally tidmouth currently ffarquhar
Primary job: shunter then goods engine on the ffarquhar branch.

In 1921 Peckett and Sons finished construction on there third version of their trojan pug design. (Trojan pug being a mix of a the trojan and pug engine classes) it was believed that the new engine was supposed to be the workshop's pilot but after the failure of the first engine of the class when departing the works, the third was sent instead.

The next know records of Percy come 1923. were he is found working in a flour mill under the name 'Sir pegwin of horfild' in bristol. This doesn't seem to last long as with in 2 months of time Percy was gone.

Then he's found found in Kent in 1924 acting as a station pilot at Ashford. This lasted until the end of that year.

In 1927 he's found working in the city of Newcastle-upon-Tyne on coal shipments between the docks on the river Tyne and the coal fields of Tyneside. At this point he has the name 'Timothy Hackworth' named after a Steam locomotive engineer from Northumberland. He would stay there until the August of 1927 when he was replaced by a custom built engine know as 'Stanley'.

Finally, the engine would end up in private engine retailers in 1929, at this point he didn't bear a name nor number. This wouldn't last long though as during an engine strike back on sodor sir topham purchased the gave him the name 'Percy' and took him to sodor. Percy has remained a crucial member of the NWR ever since.

Input from the real engine.
Percy only wished to add one thing to this time line. That between the periods of 1924 and 1927 he worked 3 different jobs. First between April to October he ran on the Southern railway as a shunter at Brighton Station, then from October to May he he ran in East anglia and finely he worked on a coal line in County Durham.

Percy also mentioned that during his time at Brighton he may have met a certain a1 terrier but who is he to say.

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