file 8- NWR number 5 "James"

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Number: 5
Engine type: privet contracter build based on a L&Y railway class 28 mogul variant.
Wheel arrangement: 4-6-0
Fuel type: coal
Shed designation: formally vicarstown, currently tidmouth
Primary job: utility engine on the mainline.

James is, and always has been a, odd case. Most people believe that he's a l&Y railway engine but this could be further. Starting life in 1924, James was second member of his class to be built. (note: there were only ever two class 28 mogul variants built) he would spend his first year of running working as the pilot for the workshop he was built at before being purchased by the NWR after they were impressed with their class 28 mogul. (Yes well get to that engine later.) James, then bearing the number w2 would arrive on sodor in 1925 as was originally intended to run the ffarquhar branch line but it was soon discovered that the tracks beyond elsbridge were not stable enough to have him work there.

After failing on the ffarquhar branch, James was assigned to the mainline acting as a mixed traffic engine. James worked hard with his time on the mainline and seemed to be rather popular with passengers but this wouldn't save him for what happened next. As we all know the event of the Railway series story "Thomas and the brakedown train" take place not to long after this were James was heavily damaged in his accident.

All most strange away after the crash, an inquiry was set up and ,to no one's shock, it was discovered that the course of the accident was wooden breaks catching fire and being unable to stop the train. This enraged topham who immediately question the workshop were he had purchased James. You see this wasn't the first time he had problems with one of that workshops engines. Henry had also came from this workshop and following their inaction to even reply to topham, the director cut all ties with them.

James was sent to croven's gate works for repairs which ran smoothly, apart from one minor hiccup. James was allowed to pick which color he wished to be painted in and after seeing the skarloey engines he chose there red. This lead to a small moment of anguish between the railway. The problem was swiftly solved though by topham coming to an agreement with the skarloey to have inter crossing tickets for those that would use the NWR after the Skarloey railway, which the skarloey railway would take 70% of profits from. The skarloey was more then happy with this and James kept his red paint and from there it's basically history.

Input from the real engine.
James had several things he wished to add, one that he was the one to have the red paint first, two if the tracks on the ffarquhar branch were stable that line would have been his, three he's the best, four that he's not from Lancashire or Yorkshire but is actually from Northumberland. All of this is to be taken with a grain of salt as James is known to be a notorious Liar.

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