"We are some place, special. However, before I show you I need a blood oath from you. It's not that I don't trust you, it's just I need to protect my people before we go any further. I will also provide you with a promise by blood oath that you will be safe and protected until you make any further decisions." Alpha Reaper explained. Her explanation was clear and concise and understood her concerns but there was weariness when it came to making a blood oath. 

I remember Nona talking to me about blood oaths when I was a child, she always explained that they were never something you took lightly. For whatever was promised would have to be carried by the blood line rather than the individual. She explained should they be broken they can cause the loss of a wolf and even death. Nona reasoned that it was important to be careful with what you promised. 

"What would the terms be? I need you to be precise." I stated cooly. 

Alpha Reaper chuckled. "I like you, you are smart." I returned her laugh with a smile. It wasn't a fake one either, I felt comfortable around her. "The terms on my part are simple. You are to never speak of our lands, while on our lands you will protect and cherish all on the lands as if they were your family. You will not betray any of the information shared about our group with anyone unless permitted by myself. If you choose to leave and not join our group, you may leave peacefully without harm. The only harm that will come to you is if you threaten to harm our group." 

I thought about her terms and for me they seemed reasonable. She was giving me the option to leave if I wanted to so there was a choice that I could make. I wasn't going to be held hostage. What do you think Amira? I asked. 

I think the terms are reasonable. The only concern I have if someone tries to harm us within their group what would be do then? Amira explained. 

"The terms are agreeable, however what if someone within your group decided to harm me? What power would I have to defend myself?" I asked as I quirked my eyebrow. 

"I will amend the terms so that you are able to defend yourself but should you sense that anyone is a threat to you, then you will report it to me and I deal with it." Alpha Reaper stated. 

"No, we will deal with it. It is my life and I will not have someone control it for me." I forcefully said. 

"I agree to those terms." Alpha Reaper said with a small smile as her hair swished in the wind. "Now, my oath to you. I will promise you that no harm will come to you on my lands. Any that wish to harm you will be punished accordingly. You will be viewed as family and part of my pack unless you choose otherwise. You will have the freedom to choose whether to stay here or not. I promise to protect you and I will never lie to you." She spoke as she bowed her head. 

Amira purred in satisfaction, I could feel she had no problems with the oath that was being made. Amira trusted this Alpha despite us only meeting a few hours ago. Was I being naive in trusting a complete stranger? Were we walking into a trap? Was the evil the Moon Goddess warned me about?

Trust your instincts Leyla. She isn't a threat. I think she may have answers that we need and she isn't keeping us tied if we do not wish to stay. She is trusting us as well. Amira explained. 

"I agree to your terms." I nodded my hair. 

She took her nail and it elongated and I could see that it was part of her wolf. I knew she was powerful, she showed restraint and control being able to tap into her wolf's power and momentum. She used the nail and made a cut across the palm of her hand. She held her palm open and I pushed my hand out towards her. 

"May I?" She asks as gestures with her nail that she wishes to make the cut on my hand. I nodded and she quickly sliced through the palm of my hand. She grasped both our bleeding hands and brought them together and entwined our fingers together. "I Alpha Reaper, leader of the Mallapers promise to uphold the terms given to Leyla the Saviour, may the Moon Goddess be my witness."

"I Leyla, Warrior of the Moon Good, promise to uphold the terms that have been given to Alpha Reaper, leader of the Mallapers, may the Moon Goddess be my witness." I confidentially replied. 

It was then that I felt a surge of power wrap around my palm. I could feel a bond forming, it was like a vine wrapping itself around my body. I felt the connection to Alpha Reaper form, it was like an invisible rope that tethered me to the woman in front of me. She smiled and released her hand. "The terms have been accepted." She explained. 

"So are you going to tell me where we are?" I mused. 

"Of course, the blood oath created didn't just ensure our safety but allowed you to enter our scared grounds. It has allowed you access through our enchanted barrier." She explained as she turned to face the open space. "Intra" she whispered. 

It was like a veil had been lifted. A small hole began to grow, the surrounding wolves run through the gap and she gestured for me to follow through. My steps were hesitant but I moved in the same direction of Alpha Reaper. I was wearily about whatever magic was hiding her secrets from the naked eye. 

As I stepped through the whole it was then that the large green field disappeared and there it was. A community of many people, their were children running around, squealing in delight, adults were laughing and moving around in their groups. There many little huts scattered across the grounds in front of me. The people here were happy, there were no tears present. There was no formality. It was a group of people that were all comfortable to be in their company. I smiled, the scene was familiar and reminded me of what it was like to be back in the Royal Pack before all the formalities. There was nothing that scared me. Amira felt a sense of home, it reminded me of what I felt when I was child and Nona comforted me. I felt the hope grow inside me. 

"Welcome to my home Leyla. This is where we live and I want you to make yourself comfortable. Please follow me to my quarters, you will reside with me as my guest for the time being." She explained. I could see that the tension that was once in her shoulders were now relaxed. That hardened look in her eye was now filled with familiarity. That coldness that lingered on her face was now filled with happiness. She was like a new entity compared to the woman I had first met in the water.

"Where do you live?" I asked as I scratched the back of my head.

"Just over there." She pointed at a bigger house, it was in the centre of the community. The other huts were near by and surrounded her home. The house was a light brown, the roof was red and the windows were large and open. I could see nets of lace swing in the breeze. I could see from where I was standing that people were running in and out, there was nothing uptight or formal about these people. They did not look tired or wearily. They just looked comfortable.

"I live in the main house, the smaller huts are made up of families and their children if they want their own space. My people know that they are welcome anytime, I have an open door policy. I tend to get a lot of the teenagers come live with me when there are parental disputes." She chuckled. "I don't mind, honestly I love the company." She said with a big grin plastered on her face. 

"That sounds good." I replied honestly.

"Come you must be tired, you need to rest and I need to check in with my Gamma since I have been away from the pack. Once you've rested and eaten, we will meet and I will answer any questions you may have." She said as she gave my arm a tight squeeze. 

She moved away and headed towards the house, people stopped her and said hello or good morning. The children would run up to her with a cheerful gaze. She always returned their well wishes. She continued weaving her way in between the children running around. All I could do was follow and think why are people scared of this woman?

The Mallapers Are Rising: A Rejected Werewolf StoryWhere stories live. Discover now