53. Depravity.

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Eamon stood in front of a dingy and run-down apartment building. Y/N shivered at his side, he had given her his coat when he saw how scantily she was clad so he couldn't be sure if she was trembling from cold or fear. Opening the door for her they entered a decrepit lobby with stained carpet and paper peeling from the walls.

Not wanting to leave her alone in such a sketchy place Eamon trailed along with her as she scurried down the hallway, the exposed lightbulbs flickering overhead. Reaching the end of the hall she raised a shaking hand to the doorknob and pushed it open. Barely a second later a hand latched onto her H/C hair and dragged her inside with a yelp on pain.

Eamon was momentarily stunned but came to his senses and rushed through the door that had been left ajar to see Y/N being slapped and harshly reprimanded by an older woman with frizzy hair who was wearing way too much makeup.

"YOU STUPID BITCH! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?! RUNNING AWAY FROM YOUR CLIENT LIKE THAT?!" She screeched, holding her head steady by her hair and slapping her again. "HE WAS A PAYING CUSTOMER, WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A BAD REPUTATION IF THIS KEEPS HAPPENING!" None of the other scantily clad women in the small apartment took notice, either too high to notice what was going on or simply indifferent to the abuse.

"I-I'm sorry I-'' Y/N tried to stammer out a reply, her cheeks burning with a red handprint.

"Excuse me, ma'am," Eamon stated in a low voice, using all of his composure to keep his hands at his sides and not wrapped around the old hag's throat the way they were itching to be. "How much to buy out the rest of Y/N's time for the evening?" He asked as he pulled out his wallet.

"How much you got?" She sneered as she let go of Y/N's hair and looked him up and down with an unimpressed gaze.

"Would five hundred be sufficient?" He asked, pulling the bills from his wallet and offering them to her.

"Yes yes!" She said at once, snatching the money from his hands greedily before changing her demeanor to a sickeningly fake simper. "Right this way sir, thank you for your business, Y/N won't disappoint you I'm sure." She said as she took Y/N by the arm, the threatening undertone in her words clear. She led them both past a stained coach with several prostitutes on it and into a small bedroom that was falling apart at the seams and closed the door behind them.

Eamon looked around the room in disgust. There was a box spring and mattress set directly on the floor with yellowing sheets. The room was bare apart from that, a dusty tv that was most likely broken, and a single window that looked out onto the street. What a vile place, I need to get Y/N out of here, the sooner the better- before he could finish his thought Y/N suddenly pressed her lips against his.

He stood there frozen for several moments, completely stunned as she pressed her lips and body against his, before he came to his senses and pushed her away. She stumbled back, confusion and fear shining in her large E/C eyes. "W-why are you looking at me like that?" She asked her voice quivering as she began to pull her shirt over her head. "This is what you wanted isn't it?"

"No no no! You-you have it all wrong!" Eamon said in a rush, leaning forward and placing his hands over hers to stop her from removing her shirt. He wanted desperately to hold her in his arms again, but not in a place like that. "I'd never pay you to have sex with me, you deserve better than that."

"I-I don't understand-" she stammered, tears welling in her eyes as she sank onto the mattress. Between the glossy sheen in her eyes, the angry red handprint that was still apparent on her face, and the many bruises that covered her petite body she was more pitiful than anyone he had ever seen.

"You don't have to yet, just know that I want to help you," Eamon replied, his heart aching at how small and helpless Y/N was. He wanted nothing more than to make all her pain and fear go away, but he couldn't do that yet. "look here's one hundred, I want you to buy yourself some clothes you like." He said as he handed her the money, not liking the idea of anyone seeing her in such a short skirt and thin top. 

"O-ok," she stammered as she took the offered cash tentatively. "T-Thank you, sir-"

"-Please, call me Eamon," he corrected her, placing his hands over hers briefly before rising from the bed and walking towards the window. "I have to get home, but I'll be back tomorrow night I promise, and if she asks where I went just say that you were up servicing me until everyone was asleep." He instructed her, glancing over his shoulder to get a final glimpse of her angelic face, and confirm that she was real, before he climbed out the window.

. . .
After finding his car and driving back home he made up some excuse about stopping a lady from being robbed to explain his late arrival to his worried wife before shuffling up the stairs and collapsing in bed. Even though the overwhelming events of the evening had left him exhausted, he laid awake for the majority of the night while Ann slept peacefully beside him.

The next day passed in a blur, all he could think about was that he had felt emotions again while he was with Y/N. Finally, after being numb for so long. Needless to say, he waited with bated breath until it was late enough that he could slip out and visit Y/N again.

"Oh welcome back sir! I hope last night was-" the pimp greeted him with an overzealous smile stretching her face as he threw the door of the apartment open.

"Take this and don't disturb us for the rest of the night!" He growled, thrusting a wad of bills at her, unable to even look at the woman who had been selling his beloved Y/N's body for profit. Not for long, he thought, clenching his fist around the shopping bag in his hand so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

"H-hi Eamon I-" Y/N stammered a greeting to him as he slipped into the small bedroom they had been in before. "I didn't think you'd come back..." She muttered as she looked down, playing with the sleeves of her new sweater.

"Y/N, I will always come back for you," he told her as he smiled tenderly. He admired her fuzzy pink sweater and low-rise jeans, they suited her much more than the fishnets and mini skirt had. "I like the clothes you picked, they suit you."

"T-Thank you," she looked away shyly, unsure how to respond to his kindness.

"Let me just-" his voice trailed off as he messed with the dusty tv and after a few minutes got it to turn on. Taking the pornographic tape from the shopping bag he placed it in the VHS player and pressed start. "Alright, let's go! I have a surprise for you I think you'll like." He said, smiling widely as he led Y/N to the window. He couldn't wait for her to see what he'd set up earlier that day.


I'm honestly too tired to think of anything to say about the chapter, so I'll say something completely random instead.

I'm looking into investing in some Gel nail polish. I've never tried it before, but it sounds durable and I'm pretty rough on my nails. Have you ever tried gel nail polish?

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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