34. A Selfish Decision.

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It had been several days since Eamon had pulled Y/N out of public school and he was struggling to think of what to do. Now that she was no longer in school she was spending all of her time at home which made it much harder for him to control his growing desires for her.

After pondering what was the best thing to do he decided at length that he had no choice but to send her away to a boarding school. As much as he hated the idea of being separated from her he knew it was what was best for her. He was good friends with the Principal of a fine boarding school called Marriot Academy. Her oldest daughter Madeline was even attending the school and being the principal's daughter he was sure that she would be able to keep the other students from bullying Y/N.

His heart grew heavy once he came to this decision but he held firm because he knew it was for the best. He tried to remain normal around Y/N and not give anything away, but she quickly caught on to the fact that something was bothering him.

She finally worked up the courage to ask him what was wrong so she tip-toed down the stairs and walked quietly over to where he was sitting on the couch, staring pensively out the window. He jumped once he noticed her presence, started, but he quickly smiled although Y/N thought it looked a little forced. "Y/N, perfect timing," He said as he gestured for her to take a seat next to him on the couch. "I have something that I have been meaning to tell you."

"W-what is it?" She asked nervously as she took a seat not liking the energy in the room at all.

"Well, since you're not attending public school anymore I have been looking for a new school for you and I think I've found one," Eamon explained, trying to put it as gently as he could. "It's called Marriot Academy and the principal is a friend of mine, she even has a daughter the same age as you who's attending."

Her eyes went wide. She was taken aback but she liked the idea of a new school and possibly a new friend. "Th-that sounds good."

"Great!" He forced another smile to hide the pain he felt. "You should start packing then and I'll call to let them know that you'll be arriving at the end of the week."

"-Wait, packing," Y/N cut in, in an unusually assertive manner at his mention of packing. "Are you - are you sending me away?" she asked, hurt clear in her E/C eyes as she looked up at him.

"Well, Marriot Academy is a boarding school," Eamon answered, trying to keep his voice steady while witnessing such a sad expression on the girl he cared so dearly about. "but you'll get an unrivaled education there and you'll still be home for the holidays." He said, trying to point out the positives to convince himself as much as to convince her that he was doing what was best.

"But you're still sending me away," she continued, as though she hadn't heard anything he said and her mind had just kept going on the same track "do you not like me anymore? Am I a bother to you?" She asked as she continued to look up at him, tears welling in her eyes at the thought of him wanting to get rid of her just like everyone else in her life.

"No, you mean the world to me," He reassured her at once, placing his hands on her shoulders. His heart cracking as he saw her lips begin to quiver. "But it's for the best for you to get a good education." He tried to reason with her and hold himself together.

"It's not, not if it means you're sending me away!" Y/N protested hot tears sliding down her cheeks without her consent. Her breathing began to increase as her thoughts of being abandoned flashed through her mind. "Why-why does everyone I care about want to get rid of me-"

"-I don't want you to go! I would love nothing more than for you to stay with me but you just-just can't!" Eamon cut her off, losing his cool and shaking her a bit by the shoulders as he looked deep into her eyes.

"Why not?" Y/N sobbed, glaring at him with pain and anger as she demanded answers. "Why can't I stay with you?!"

"BECAUSE IT'S DANGEROUS FOR YOU!" Eamon shouted causing her to flinch away from him in fear. Clearing his throat he began again in a much quieter tone. "Look Y/N I-I I've begun to feel things about you that are very improper. I love you Y/N, but to protect you from myself I have to send you away." He turned his head away as he admitted the shameful truth, unable to look her in the face.

"But I love you too!" She exclaimed desperately, catching him by surprise as she latched onto the front of his shirt. "I love you too so please don't send me away!" She pleaded.

Eamon looked down at her, shocked that instead of reacting in disgust she had claimed to feel the same way about him. He knew that she was probably just saying whatever she could to avoid being separated from him, but he wanted so badly for what she said to be true that he ignored his conscience and made the selfish decision.

He leaned his face closer to hers, and pressed his lips against her own. He couldn't use the excuse of being intoxicated for this inappropriate action, but she still didn't pull away from him. The sweet and tender feeling of kissing her was better by far than even his most detailed daydream and he already craved more.

He pulled her closer to him and pushed away any lingering guilt he had about his illicit feelings for her. They loved each other and they were together that was all that mattered. Eamon could have never imagined how that one kiss would seal the terrible future that had been brewing on the horizon for both of them.


Oh my, it looks like Eamon has finally given in to the desires that he has been fighting on his own for so long now. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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