15. Rain and Games.

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Y/N awoke in the guest room the following morning to the sound of rain, her arms wrapped around something fuzzy and soft. She opened her eyes to see that she was cuddling with a giant tan teddy bear. It took her several minutes to remember what had happened the previous day.

She shuddered and snuggled closer to her stuffed animal at the memory of the creepy person who had been following them at the mall yesterday. She was just grateful that Eamon was there, she had no idea what she would have done if he wasn't there. She just laid in bed for several minutes listening to the sound of rain tapping against the windows.

She jumped as the door to the guestroom was pushed open but relaxed once she saw that it was Eamon. "Good morning Y/N I hope you slept well," he gave her a cheery smile as he pushed the door open and set a tray with a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice on the nightstand. "I brought you some breakfast in bed."

"T-Thank you," Y/N replied, her voice still hoarse from sleep as she pulled the tray into her lap and began to eat, filling comfort in his presence that she had only felt with Sean.

"You're welcome," He responded courteously, tipping his head to her from where his tall frame occupied the doorway. "well, I'm going to start assembling your new furniture, you can help after breakfast if you want but you don't need to - also feel free to stay in your pajamas if you like." He gave her another caring smile before he pulled the door shut and the sound of his footsteps could be heard walking down the hall to Y/N's room.

Y/N quickly ate her breakfast and drank her orange juice, not wanting to make Eamon do all the work. Once she was finished she decided to stay in her cute flannel pajamas and she tucked her stuffed bear under one arm and grabbed her dirty dishes in the other to bring them down to the kitchen to spare Annie the trouble. 

Once she was downstairs she nearly jumped when she saw that it was almost eleven already and realized that Eamon must have let her sleep in. She hurried back up the stairs, not even bothering to drop off her stuffed animal back in the room she had been sleeping in, and instead dashed towards her bedroom. She gasped as she stepped inside.

Most of the room was already in our, lacy curtains hung at the windows with more opaque white curtains underneath an empty pine chest of drawers sat ready to be filled with her clothes. Everything matched the dusty rose walls perfectly except for the empty bits of packaging and the middle-aged man sitting on the plush carpet struggling to follow the instruction manual for assembling the bed frame.

"Hello Y/N," Eamon said sheepishly as he noticed her standing in the doorway, an embarrassed chuckle leaving his lips. "And here I was hoping that I could have this all done by the time you came to check it out, oh well.  - I just hope you like it, but if something isn't right we can always return it-"

"-No, this is perfect! It's better than I ever could have imagined, thank you so much Eamon." Y/N said very quickly, still blown away by the beauty of the room. "Is... There anything I can do to help?" She asked, feeling guilty about how much work Eamon had done already.

"Well, you could assemble the bookshelf," He suggested after some thought, gesturing to the unopened box which contained the pine bookshelf that matched the rest of the furniture. "It would save time but it's not necessarily."

"I know," Y/N responded as she sat down in front of the box and began to pull the pieces along with the instruction manual out, "but I want to help."

They worked for a little over an hour, Eamon finally figured out how the bedframe was supposed to be put together and put the mattress and pink quilted bedding on top, after that he was quickly able to set up the end tables and lamps while Y/N finished assembling the bookshelf and putting her new romance books on it.

"Not too shabby," Eamon said when they, at last, had finished and stopped to look around at the finished bedroom. The dull pink walls were complimented by the white curtains and golden color of the pine bed frame, drawers, bookshelves, and end tables, along with the pink patchwork bedspread. "I think it's come together very well, but the important thing is what you think."

"I love it so much!" Y/N exclaimed exuberantly, clapping a hand to her mouth once she realized how loud she was. "Thank you, Eamon... For everything..." She leaned in and hesitantly gave him a quick awkward hug.

Eamon patted her back a few times before he pulled away, not wanting the hug to make her uncomfortable. "You're welcome, but you don't have to thank me I see you as family after all." His blue-graey eyes suddenly lit up, "Since it's raining outside wanna go downstairs and watch a movie or play some video games or whatever it is that kids your age do?"

"Umm..." Y/N smile faltered, the thought of spending a lot of time in the living room still upset her as she had many memories of spending time with Sean there. "I'd rather not... It's just... Sean and I used to play down there a lot and..."

"I get it, it's too much of a reminder to do those things so soon," Eamon said understandingly, compassion lacing every word. "Here, I have an idea for a game that I can guarantee you two never played."

He dashed from the room and Y/N watched him go with a confused and subdued expression, several minutes later he re-entered holding a board game in his hands. "Monopoly?" She asked shyly, looking at the label on the box.  "I-I'm sorry but... I don't know how to play..."

"Don't worry, I can teach you," Eamon told her, all smiles as he set the box down on the floor and began to set it up. Despite Y/N's original misgivings about the game, she actually ended up really liking it. They played for hours in her newly decorated room, listening to the sound of rain lashing against the windows.

Just as the game was reaching its climax the door was pushed open by Annie who was carrying two bowls of tomato soup. "Oh, look at you too, the perfect way to spend a rainy afternoon," she gushed at the sight of the pair playing on the floor as she handed them their soup. "Be careful not to spill any of your dinner on the carpet." She warned kindly before she left them to their game.


Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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