Bonus Chapter-6.2

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Vincent's POV

"Dude your wife is going to kill you when you get home." James smirked at me as he collected the papers around the table. "She had called me and she was really angry."

"You better run home then." Jacob chuckled.

I know I fucked up bad. 

I don't know why I thought a meeting before going home would be good despite it being our date night. 'A little more time won't be a problem' turned out to be an hour. 

My responsibilities had increased ever since dad handed me the mafia and so has my time to work. Alina never complains, she always understands and helps me even when that isn't her work.

I speeded my way back home only to see all the lights switched off. I went to the main house, breathless, to see her almost at the top of the stairs. My parents and Matthew tried stopping me but I didn't stop.

I apologized to her sincerely and her face made me even more guilty. I shouldn't have done this.

But my apologies fell on deaf ears. She didn't want to see me or talk to me but I wasn't having it. So we argued, the worst argument we ever had.

I never imagined I would lash out at her so bad or throw the glass anywhere near her. I regretted everything I said and did when I saw her in tears.

James, Jacob and my brothers dragged me away from the room as soon as I started apologizing to her. I tried fighting them but they held me tight and made me sit in the living room couch.

"What the fuck was that Vincent?" Matthew yelled at me.

"Vince, what were you even thinking when you shouted at her like that?" Jacob sneered.

I put my head in my hands which rested on my knees.

"I am sorry." I mumbled.

I couldn't erase the image of her tear stained face. I don't know how much time later my parents came downstairs. My mother looked disppointed and my father was angry.

Both of them walked up to me as I stood up and my father slapped me hard. My face turned to the right because of the impact. It stung but I deserved it.

"How dare you do that Vincent Elijah King?" His voice boomed. "She put so much effort and the only thing she wanted was you to come on time. I know handling the mafia isn't easy but you need to set your priorities. Do not being your work frustration and anger at home. Don Vincent stays at work, when you are home it's just Vincent." He turned around to face my mother. "Feed him." He turned back to me. "Go sleep and apologize to her tomorrow morning. Do not go in the room and disturb her." He warned me.

My head never lifted up, I was ashamed of myself, of my actions.

Everybody disappeared to their rooms while my mother brought me food. Though I didn't want to eat she made me.

One I finished the food I started walking upstairs.

"Where are you going Vincent?" Mom asked me sternly.

"Don't worry mom, I won't go inside the room. I'll sleep outside." I assured her.

She gave me a sad smile. "She isn't angry at you, just upset."

I nodded and went upstairs. I removed my jacket and sat on the ground leaning against the wall.


I woke up to the sound of someone throwing up. I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the sleep and glanced at my watch to see it was 4.23am.

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