Chapter 28 - Past

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Andrew's POV

"Grandpa." I walk up to him and we share a brief hug.

When we had told our whole family what had happened he said he has something to share so we called him here.

Our uncle's, aunt's and grandparents weren't able to meet Alina till now and now she's missing.

We all take seats after short introductions and he sighs.

"Not everybody knows this story so I'll start from the beginning. Alina's mother was cheating on my son for a few months when my son had got a whiff of it. Alina was 4 at that time. He didn't say anything to her at that time but he was collecting evidence."

"He had told me all this. He had said he was perfectly fine with a divorce on the condition that all his children's custody goes to him. One day when all the boys had gone to school she took Alina to a motel and kept her in one room and herself went to another room with her loverboy. Alina was just 4 and the motel was filled with whores and manwhores. Someone was banging on her door but fortunately it was locked. She got scared so she pressed the panic button on her soft toy. Only my son and his men knew about this panic button. Within a few minutes they reached her and asked her what happened. She told them that her mother left her and went with another man. My son was angry not because she went to fuck someone but because she left her 4 year old daughter in such a dangerous place."

"He asked his men to take Alina to the car and he went in search of his wife. He caught her fucking that loverboy and that just fueled his anger. He pulled her away, made her wear clothes and was dragging her away when that loverboy came in between to stop my son. They had a heated argument and a fight broke out between them which ended with a bullet in that loverboy head."

"My son fought with her a lot and was filing for divorce. She was traumatized by the event and fell in depression. She wanted revenge so she took Alina and ran away. I'm sure she blamed and still blames Alina for everything. You all know the rest but what you all don't know about is my son's death. It wasn't normal, he was killed."

I never knew about this. Grandpa never told me. "Who killed him?"

"Greek Mafia. The loverboy was Adrastos Velentzas' son, Adonis Velentzas'."

There was pin drop silence.

"When you said those people spoke Greek that's all came to my mind. This should have ended with my son's death but maybe they don't want to." He finishes.

"Adrastos is dead so maybe one or all of his children are doing this." Joseph says.

"We need to spread our search teams and search accordingly. Let's start."

Alina's POV

Everyday I'm beaten and treated. The stench of my own blood fills the room. The guards outside don't say a word to me. I tried coaxing them a lot but no. I do understand Greek but they barely speak in front of me.

Today was just another day. After my torture session I was just laying on the cold floor when the door opened. I didn't open my eyes. Just took a deep breath when I heard the footsteps approach.

Something scrapped in front of me, I guess a chair. So finally my captor is here.

"Aww open your eyes sweetheart." The vile and familiar voice said.

I opened my eyes. "Mother." I scoffed and sat up. "Seriously? Kidnapping me?"

"Why not? You deserve it for destroying my life." She said in a voice laced with venom.

"I didn't do anything." I hissed at her.

"You did. Now tell me what's your favorite number?" She asks while removing a knife from her small purse.

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