Chapter 11 - Fights, Job and Josh

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So yeah I've changed Alina's age by a year and now she has a love interest who will be introduced very soon. He's already her boyfriend.

Alina's POV


Felix came out to punch me and I was continually dodging his punches to tire him out. After a minute I caught him off guard and punched him in his nose, of course not hard enough to break it. I swung my right leg which connected with his left cheek making him fall. I jumped on his back and with both his hand twisted on his back. Sadly now he can't move until he says tap out which he did.

My brothers were a bit amused and shocked. Andrew, though, was staring at me intently.

"Mason. Go inside." Mason hesitantly came in.

"Sorry baby." He whispered and started throwing punch after punch. I got hit on my mouth and I tasted some metallic thing in my mouth. Without bothering much I swallowed it and punched him in his ribs, hard. He hunched because of the the impact. I took the opportunity and swung my knee across his face. I flipped him immediately and used the pressure point on his neck to knock him out.

I turn to my brothers and give them a toothy grin. Seth and Felix come over and pick up Mason.

Except Andrew all of my brothers were standing with their jaws dropped. "Tristan get inside." Tris looked deadly though.

He wakes up to me and I quickly attacked him. I straightened my left arm and hit him on his chin and nose with my right arm. I fixed my right wrist and aimed it right at his nose. He stumbled a bit but I lunged at him. He groaned as we both fell and tumbled. I was beneath him. Without wasting time I banged my head onto his face, very hard. He got disoriented. I pushed him and got out of his grasp and sat on top of him while pulling his arms behind his back. With no option left other than a Tap Out.

I noticed stream of blood flow from his nose. I quickly wiped it off with my finger. "Sorry Tris." I mumble with a smile. He too smiles and pats my cheek.

"Seth. Allen?" Andrew asks them.

"Sorry I'm not going against her." Seth answers.

"Me too. I've already experienced a trailer a few days ago." Allen adds making me smirk.

"Okay them I'm coming." Andrew says confidently. I cock my eyebrows and smirk.

He walks towards me while breaking his knuckles. He starts punching me furiously. I dodged a few while some do hit me hard. He didn't show mercy. He kicked my in my stomach making me hunch over. He took the opportunity and took me into a side headlock. I felt chocked for a moment. With all my energy I pushed him making both of us fall. Finally I was out of headlock, panting. He climbed on top of me and trapped me by placing his hands firmly on my shoulders. He had a wicked smirk thinking that he won but I'm so sorry big brother just let me breath.

"Tap out?" He asks.

I wink and hit him with my index  finger, middle finger and ring finger between his collarbone. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pushed him. Now I was on top. "Damn you're heavy big brother." I chuckle.

Suddenly someone trapped me into a bear hug from behind.

"Now try escaping." I heard someone whsiper. Tristan.

I groan in annoyance. I bend forward from my waist and throw both my elbows towards Tristan's face one by one. I turn into him and continued attacking him till I got space to move. I bent down to see his legs from in-between mine and quickly pulled one of his leg making him fall.

Someone who I know was Andrew got me into headlock again, from behind. This time he was literally chocking me and escape wasn't possible so I gave in. I tapped on his thigh indicating Tap Out. Once he released me I sat on the ground gasping for air and trying to catch my breath. Someone was rubbing my back and I relaxed while closing my eyes.

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