Bonus Chapter 2.1

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Alina's age- 19

Alina's POV

I've been in Spain for the last six months for the training of new weapons. My main training was to be a snipper and hand-to-hand combat but I decided on doing a few more things.

I haven't visited anyone or anyone hasn't visited me from London, solely because the training kept me quiet busy and we actually wanted to test this distance and our relations but we do message, call and video call.

Seth and Bailey also got married a few months before I left for this training and they also have a year old daughter, Eva. They had been dating before she came for my treatment.

Tomorrow is Andrew's 30th birthday and according to them I'm supposed to return a week later but here I am in a cab that's going to the twins college.

There's no way I would miss my favorite brothers milestone birthday.

I pulled out my bags and placed them near the twin's car. The only two men from our gang who knew about my return were standing in the parking space waiting for me. I signalled them to go and went inside the college.

I spotted Felix with his boyfriend Zach in a corridor. Felix's back was facing me so I tiptoed to him, Zach saw me but I gestured him to keep quiet.

"Surprise." I yelled as I kept my hands on Felix's shoulder. He jumped around screaming a 'what the fuck.'

His mouth hung open when he saw me. "Alina." He squealed and hugged me tight.

After a few seconds he broke the hug and smiled at me. "How? What? When d-did you? I missed you sissy." He again hugged me, his voice sounded so emotional and I patted his back comfortingly.

"I came just now Felix and it's a surprise for everyone. So please lead the way and take me to Allen." I answered and he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Everybody's going to love this." He wiped his fake tears and laughed.

"Hi Zach." I waved at him.

"Hi Alina." He came and gave me a hug.

From there we three walked to Allen class. The class was already dismissed and Allen was standing outside the class sucking a blonde girl's face. I cringed but anyways walked up to him and tapped his shoulder.

He didn't react so I did it again. After a few more tappings I started slapping him but he didn't budge instead he just tried to shoo me away.

"I see you don't love me anymore." I say out loud dejectedly and immediately his head snapped in my direction.

"Alina?" He muttered in disbelief.

"Yes me but you clearly don't have time. I was an idiot to fly over from Spain a week early to surprise you all. Bye." I faked my anger and turned around to leave.

"No no Lina." I heard him and I was immediately turned around and held firmly by my shoulders.

"I am sorry I didn't mean any of my actions. You mean the world to me and I am sorry once again." He said sincerely and bent forward to kiss me but I dodged it.

"I forgive you but I'm not letting you kiss me when you've kissed that uhh girl." I didn't want to say anything disrespectful to that girl since she didn't do anything to me.

He frowns. "Flying kiss would do." I muttered and he gave me a flying kiss.

We both laughed and we're joined by Felix, Zach and their friends.

"Weren't you supposed to come next week?" Allen asks me.

"Surprise." I said.

He looked at suspiciously. "Don't fool us. You're here solely for Andrew's birthday." He scowled.

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