Chapter 27- Dejection

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Third Person POV


Vincent has been like this since the day Alina has been missing and it's been 11 days now. He was losing his mind every single day.

Barely eating and sleeping, he was always in his office. The lack of sleep is catching up on him but he converts all of it into angers and vents out on anyone in front of him. His room is a complete wreck. Every time he felt like crying he just held her picture and caressed it. He hid all his emotions but his family knew how much he was suffering.

Alexander (Don) was trying his best. He has been contacting and pulling all strings but so far they have no lead. He knew if Alina isn't to be found soon or God forbid never, he would lose his son. Either he'll go away from them or turn into an emotionless, cold and ruthless don. Alina was like a daughter to him, even he didn't want to lose her.

James, Mason, Allen and Felix were discharged from the hospital a few days ago. Each one them has broken something or the other and their body's are covered with injuries all over.

The only information they got about the attack from these four was that the men had Spanish Mafia tattoo. The one who had an important clue, Jacob, was still unconscious.

Alexander had talked with the Spanish Mafia Don but he denied having any connection with this. Vincent had lashed out but the Spanish Mafia stood their ground. They knew that the Spanish mafia won't betray them but then they don't know anything. It's all a dead end. There's no clue to Alina.

The Walker house that was once filled with happiness and laughter was now filled with sorrow and pain. Nobody talked. Andrew and Tristan were mostly at the King's place to find Alina. Seth stayed home to take care of his younger brothers.

The Walker brothers were miserable.

Felix has not left his room since he was discharged. He just sits and goes through their pictures together. He stares and cries his heart out. He misses his sissy a lot.

Allen has been in the gang's  torture room. With a broken hand, bruised body and no way to vent his frustration and anger, he is torturing people. All he wants is his little sister. Everytime he closes his eyes he sees Alina's smiling face and that makes him cry even more. He's snapping at almost everyone but they all are trying to be understanding.

Mason hasn't slept in days. Whenever he closes his eyes he sees Alina either smiling or struggling to fight with those men in ski masks. He blames himself for not being strong enough to protect her. He's breaking things all over the house, drives mindless anywhere and comes home drunk. All he wants his baby sister back in his arms.

Tristan has been trying to have a control over his emotions. Even though he wants to cry he can't. He needs to stay sane to find his baby. His blood is boiling to find the motherfucker who kidnapped his sister. He would end up at bars at evening to drink away his frustration but would sober up by morning to help Andrew. He goes to her room once in a while to get some comfort, sometimes even hoping she would just suddenly appear.

Seth was the one who was silently suffering. He was being there for all his brothers but honeslty there was no one for him. There was no one to tell him 'its gonna be alright'. No one was there to wipe his tears. He was putting up with all tantrums and acts his brothers were throwing at him. He made sure all of them had a little food and a little sleep. He misses his princess. He makes her favorite food and sleeps while clutching her soft toys and pictures.

Andrew has been a wreck just like Vincent. He barely can control his anger. Everything and nothing goes to a dead end. Every night he's home he goes to her room. When food is served his mind asks him if his Violet has eaten? He keeps away the food but Seth makes him eat enough to keep him from fainting. He wants Alina back in his arms safety.

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