Chapter 6 - Another fight

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Mason's POV

The whole school knows Caleb is a dangerous guy being a gangleader. I know even Andrew is but he is Alina's brother , Caleb isn't. Seeing him and Alina together made me uneasy and angry.

After school I wait for my three younger siblings near my car. Alina comes first.

"How do you know Caleb?" I ask her impatiently , without wasting any time.

She frowns slightly , maybe she wasn't expecting me to ask this question. "We are friends." She answers anyways.

"Since when?" I ask her.

"6 years."

I decided not to discuss anymore with her. 6 years is a long time. Heck that's even more than the time she has spent with us.

"Can we stop at the convenience store on our way back?" Alina asks me.


Soon the twins come and we leave.

In the evening I tell all my brothers about Caleb and Alina. Tristan reasoned that we shouldn't say anything since they are friends but just make sure he doesn't hurt her. Technically if he wanted to harm her he could have done that earlier.

Andrew was a bit unsure but Seth convinced him saying we can't control her life completely. She can be friends with anyone.

•••Next day•••

When I sit in the car I see an extra bag in Alina's hand. I don't question her though.

During lunchtime I see her going to Caleb's table and give him that extra bag. She said something to him and left.

Caleb opened the bag and took out a jacket. He wore it immediately. His friends pointed at something and his hands went to the pocket of the jacket. He dug in and removed lots of chocolates and a piece of paper. He read it , stuffed the chocolates back in his pockets and went to Alina's table.

He hugged her from behind which surprised her but she relaxed when she saw it was him. He leaned closer to her and whispered something in her ear.

I immediately nudged Felix. "Hey you can do lip-reading, right? Tell me what Caleb is saying." I say as fast as I could.

Felix looks at them intently before speaking. "He is saying you are truly an saved us...stay happy...pretty girl....we love you."

That's when I noticed that the whole cafeteria was looking at them. Caleb is cold-hearted but but today he is fucking smiling. All because of our princess.

She definitely is an angel who attracts devil.

Alina's POV

•••1 week later•••

School was going good. Everything at home  was pretty good as well except the twins of course. Every night Seth, Tristan, Mason and me and sometimes Andrew play piano, sing and dance.

Right now Jessica, Daniel and I were passing by our lockers, taking some books for our next class. Real barbie, whose name is Melissa, and her clowns came and stood in front of me. Melissa's wrist was in a cast.

She suddenly started crying. "I'm sorry for speaking to you like that and pushing you. I had already apologized , you didn't have to do this."

My eyes widen at her false accusations. "Woah woah. What the fuck are you saying? I didn't do anything."

She cried even more. "I just came to show you the damage. You don't have to lie."

"Are you crazy?" I yell at her in disbelief. "I didn't do this. Don't you fucking dare blame me-"

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