Chapter 9 - Revelations

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Apparently my exams got postponed so I'll update a bit more😂

Alina's POV

I start a bit hesitantly , "Umm first of all listen to whatever I say patiently and don't interrupt."

When I see all of them nod in approval I continue, "So if you think I'm suicidal then just get it out of your minds. Neither am I suicidal nor did I try."

I saw a sense of relief pass through all of them.

"Our mother." I scoff. "Well she wasn't only a drug addict , gambler, alcoholic but also an abuser. Verbally and physically both."

All the pair of eyes were asking me to continue.
"I don't know why she did it to me though. It was just verbal abuse until I turned 7. Everyday she used to say things like
"No one wants you , that's why you don't have a family. You're too ugly to live. I wish I had aborted you."
"Piece of garbage"

My voice cracked towards the end. Seth handed me a glass of water. I took two sips and continued.

"When I turned 7 she started harming me physically. She started cutting me, burning me, beating me. I always thought that maybe I did something to upset her and now getting punished. I tried understanding her behavior just because she was my mother. I thought all parents would be punishing their children like this but I was wrong." I let out a low evil laugh.

"This is when your not-so-favourite people come into picture. I met James and Jacob when I was running away after getting burnt by her. Since that day they have helped me. Not only them but also their family. I craved too much for that motherly love so I never went to police. Everybody around me warned her multiple times but her abuse never stopped. I kept taking it on because she was my mother. I loved her. Dumb me." I scoff and take another sip of water.

"I always used to ask her where is Dad or if I have siblings. She always said that you'll are dead and would never love someone like me." I say with a shrug.

"Now I'll tell why that girl called me suicidal. I was 13 when I came home from school. A friend of mine had dropped me that day. Suddenly mother came running towards me when I was at the front gate. She... She took out a blade and swung it across my stomach. It was too fast for me to react. Then she took my left hand and slit my wrist and she ran away. The friend who was with me , Vincent, saw all of this and rushed me to the hospital. I had lost significant amount of blood and it was James and Jacob's dad who donated blood to me. I survived it but I lost all the respect and love for mother. I had totally lost myself for the next two months. I barely talked or ate. I was back to normal all thanks to Vincent, James, Jacob and their families."

A tear escapes my eye with a sad smile.

"After that day I despised her a lot. I started fighting back to her abuse. The boys kind of trained me to fight back." I chuckle at our training memories but I lied right now. I trained when I was 8. I can't tell them about all my shit right now.

"You know she never cared about me. For her it was just alcohol and drugs. That's why I started working when I turned 10. I had no way to survive. Though I had my friends and there families by my side I didn't want pity so I worked anything and everything. To my surprise the boys also stated working with me so I don't feel alone. I love them all because they always stood by me. They were there whenever I needed them." I reminisce the memories and a smile makes it's way to by face.

I looked at my brothers to see all of them in tears.

"So if you think she loved me all these years then you are wrong. She absolutely hated me to death."

7th Colour Of Their Rainbow✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें