Day 27: Damned Witch

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Deep in the basement of a secretive building, there sits a library. In this library, you'll often find a girl, or at least, she looks like a girl. Like most things other than human, her oddly colored eyes give away her true nature.

Those golden eyes gazed at me over the top of a book, thoroughly unhappy with being interrupted. She sighed, slid a bookmark between the pages, and placed the object in her lap, but didn't stand up from the beanbag chair where she sat. She looked up at me. "Yes...?"

I cleared my throat. "I, uh, came to look some things up." She gave another sigh, and pushed herself up to her feet.

"Most people do. Alright, what do you need?" In a normal library, I would simply ask for directions, but this library is different. Felicity is the only one in our organization who can navigate it, purely because of her inhuman talents.

I answered her quickly, since standing in this library for too long would likely make me ill, "Anything you have on the Master of Mazes, and your oldest resources on vampires." She nodded, and with a swish of her skirt, she disappeared into the maze of shelves. I once again found myself grateful that she was here, despite how unsettled she makes me.

It was by a stroke of luck that our organization found her in the first place. She was being hunted at the time, much like the rest of the witches, but we'd found her first. Unlike many groups at the time, our organization was open to working with the supernatural, so long as peace was preserved for everyday people. From what I understand, she had no malice towards humans, and offered to help us out in exchange for protection, and the use of our library to practice her craft.

We hadn't known it would turn into an unnavigable maze, but magic is fickle like that. And as far as we know, Felicity plans to keep up her bargain for as long as we exist. She has for the last couple hundred years at least.

Speak of the devil, she emerges from the twisting shelves with a stack of books in her hands. She deposits them in my hands without a word, and goes back to her book. I too, make a quick exit, not wanting any of the magic in this library to stick to me.

I may admire the witch, but I don't want to become like her. 


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