Day 8: Alien Abduction

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I walked down the dirt road towards my home, sweating uncomfortably in my uniform. Joey's Burgers was already a kind of shitty job, and having to wear suspenders on top of a red button up was just the cherry on top. Not to mention, my house was few miles out of town, so I have to walk back alone. In the dark.

It was one of those summer nights where the heat lingered in the air and the crickets shrieked their songs into the humid night. The moon was but a sliver, but I could see the stars clearly.

It was as I was looking up that I caught sight of something unusual. At first, I thought it might have been a plane, but I'd never heard of a plane with green lights before.

It seemed to be coming closer, closing in from the opposite direction of the town. It couldn't be a plane. It was only a single point of bright green light, moving faster than I've ever seen a plane go. I stopped walking, trying to get a better look.

All of the sudden, it was above me. I could barely register that it was much bigger than I anticipated, before there was a flash of green light.


I blinked away a fog in my head, sitting up. I was... in my room? I looked around, and at myself, in confusion.

I was on my bed, still in my work uniform. I wasn't even under the covers. I put a hand to my head, expecting to feel the pain of a hangover, but I felt fine. Like I'd just woken up from a restful sleep.

It was as I went over my memories from last night that I realized something was really strange. I hadn't been drinking at all, but I didn't remember getting home. The last thing I remembered was...

A bright green light coming from the sky.

Okay, no. That was stupid. Alien abductions are products of unstable minds, not a thing that genuinely happens to people.

I shook my head, checking my phone for the time. 2:00 in the afternoon. I swore. I needed to get to work. I jumped out of bed and headed to the bathroom, intending to at least get a shower in before showing up for my shift.

As I unbuttoned my shirt, I saw something on the skin at the top of my sternum. I kept unbuttoning my shirt, exposing something that hadn't been there last night.

Extending from below my belly button and up my chest, a line of stitches. Like I'd been cut open down the middle.

I leaned over the sink and threw up. '


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