Day 24: Jealous Friend

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Lillie gazed down into the dark lake, her eyes almost completely unfocused. The camp counselor, Jeffery, had said something earlier that day about the lake, but she'd been distracted. April, her best friend, was ignoring her.

Lillie wasn't the best at telling what other kids felt, but she knew April was mad at her. After all, April promised that they'd spend all their time together at summer camp. But once the bus had arrived, she'd fallen in with another group of girls. Leaving Lillie all alone.

Hot tears tracked down Lillie's face, making small ripples in the dark water. She wasn't sure how to feel. Was she supposed to hate April now? Even after all the birthdays, all the trips to the mall? April was her only friend at camp. What was she supposed to do?

She'd left the cabin easily. Jeffery was a deep sleeper, and assumed rightly that most kids are too afraid to go out after dark. He was mostly right. But Lillie wasn't.

Lillie suddenly recalled something Jeffery had said, when the group was all gathered together. He said that, if you whispered a secret wish to the lake, it was said your wish would be granted. He didn't say such, but Lillie's mind went to mermaids. Lillie loved mermaids.

She poked her head out over the dock, looking into the dark, inky water. "Miss mermaid?" she whispered. The wind rustled through the reeds. The crickets chirped.

"Can you make April my friend again? I know she hates me, but just until summer camp ends. Please?" To Lillie's surprise, the water began to get lighter, like something glowing was raising from the deep. She leaned out further from the dock, trying to get a better look.

Suddenly, a hand gripped the back of her shirt, and she blinked. When she opened her eyes again, the light was gone, and Jeffery was pulling her back from the edge of the dock.

She pushed his hands off, turning around to face him. He was breathing heavily, his eyes wide and panicked. "What are you doing out here Lillie? It's dangerous." Lillie shook her head with an assuredness that spoke to age she didn't have. She hadn't been in any danger.

"I'm fine. I was talking to the mermaid."


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