Day 21: Split Personality

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Excerpt from the diary of an anonymous vampire hunter:

I have found, that in these last few decades since the defeat of their progenitor, vampires have significantly changed.

The prime example I find are a new variation within the species. There hasn't been a consensus on what they are to be called, but I refer to them as the divided.

What separates a divided from your regular vampire is that they appear to have two completely separate consciousnesses. By day, they appear completely human, and have no idea what they are, but once the sun sets, the vampiric parasite takes hold. At this time, they have the appearance of any normal vampire. Fangs, claws, and oddly colored eyes.

Now, the ethical debate about whether we should hunt the divided as we would any other vampire is not one I'll get into here. I've already spent way too much time philosophizing with the others to repeat it here. What I think we can all agree on is that the emergence of these new vampire variations cannot mean anything good.

Vampires are learning new tricks, even after the sealing of The Countess. Has a new hierarchy established itself so quickly within vampire society? Or are these variations the result of an attempt to retreat further into hiding, to keep their doings to the dark where hunting them is the most difficult?

Or maybe, and this frightens me the most, they're trying to infiltrate human society. Trying to tear us apart at the seams.

I don't know. I'm still working to keep our human lives safe. But if you ever see me roaming the night with eyes that don't quite look right, put a stake through me.

The human part of me would thank you.

The human part of me would thank you

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