Day 6: An Exorcism

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"She's in there." I nodded at the nervous mother, gently pushing open the door to her young daughter's room. She stood behind me, never crossing the threshold.

It was trashed. The curtains were clawed apart, the photo frames knocked askew, and covered in fluff that I assumed was once the insides of some poor teddy bear. I paused for a second, not seeing anyone at first glance. I kept my crucifix at my side, for now.

"Emma?" From the other side of the bed, I heard a quiet hiss. "Emma, your mom called me because you're not feeling good. If you come out, I can help make you better." I saw a pair of reflective yellow eyes peek over the other end of the bed.

"I'm not Emma. Why do they call me that?" I could see the body of the little girl shivering. Not used to the temperature of this world, no doubt. I moved slowly, not making eye contact, but sitting down on the other side of the bed. The thing inhabiting Emma shrunk a bit.

I placed my crucifix on the nightstand, out of sight.

"Are you lost?" I asked, in the softest voice I could. The thing nodded shyly. "Do you want to go home?"

It was so quiet that I barely heard when it said, "Yes..."

"I can help you get home, but you'll need to come out." The thing ducked its head again.

"Too bright." I noticed that, despite the claw marks, the curtains were closed.

I motioned for the mother, who was staring at me wide-eyed, to close the door. She did so. As the room descended into near darkness, the thing's yellow eyes seemed almost to glow.

I patted the bed next to me. Though it was too dark to make out details, I could pick out claws and fangs as it climbed up next to me, looking me in the eyes as it did so. It was only then that I noticed its pupils were vaguely rectangular, like the eyes of a goat.

"Are you ready?" I asked it. It nodded vigorously. "What's your name?"

I had been bracing myself for it, but the sound the thing made was incomprehensible, echoing in my head and making my vision blur. I could feel a migraine coming on, but ignored it. I knew it now, like it was burned into my brain tissue.

It was definitely a real name. And confirmation of how young the demon truly was. Invoking a demon's name gives one much power over it, and many would never give it freely. I didn't intend to take advantage of it though.

I looked the demon in its eyes and uttered its name. It felt like acid on my tongue.

"I release you. Go back to whence you came." The thing blinked blearily, and then fell to the bed.

I turned on the bedside lamp, which now illuminated a completely normal looking little girl.

I didn't wake her. She'd had a rough day.

 She'd had a rough day

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