“Da da,” CJ cry out. I sigh at his attachment to his dad, I don't know how Christiano is going to be able to leave him sometimes.

“Dada gotta get going son,” He told CJ as he rub his hair. He kiss him on his forehead, my heart melt watching him.
“Amma be back lil later for you to spend the night with me, alright.”

CJ blabber at him while crying, I didn't want to laugh but I did as I watch him. Like he's arguing back.

“Look at him arguing,” My mom said as she laugh too.
“Tell him grandson.”

I laugh as CJ pout while staring at Christiano. Christiano walk towards my mom, he give her CJ. He kiss CJ forehead, as CJ is about to cry. He take off his diamond watch and give it to CJ, CJ played with the watch forgetting all about his daddy leaving him.

“Don't bribe my grandson,” My mom told him as she chuckled. Christiano laugh.

“See ya later,” He told my mom. She nod at him, he walk towards me. I wave at my mom then turn around and exit the mansion with him behind me.

We walk towards his car, I sigh again at the fact that he's still quiet. Too quiet.

We enter his car, he start it up and then drive off. My phone ping, I take it out of my small handbag. I unlock it to see a message from Sia telling me that she's been waiting. I lock the phone and put it back in my handbag, I'll see her and plus I'm not in the mood right now.

Christiano tap his fingers on the steering wheel, I watch him as he drive. Something is bothering him and I don't know it's what. I turn my head and stare out the window, as we drive in silence again.

Minutes later we arrive at my store, I exit the car. As I close the door, I stand outside his car door expecting him to come out but he didn't. I knock on the window, he's totally pissing me off with that attitude.

“So what! you not coming out?” I ask as he wind down the window.

“Naahhh I got somewhere to be,” He replied.

“You know what Christiano! I'm not going to kiss your ass,” I told him. I show him my middle finger, I turn around and walk to my store. I yell out as I walk.
“And kiss my fat ass nigga! I can't stand you right now.”

I know he heard me, next thing I know his car start up and drive off speedily. I scoff at the tire noises.

“What was that about?” Sia ask as she stand at the door.
“You making a scene with that yelling of yours.”

“It's your brother,” I replied. We enter the store, customers were here a lot shopping and the girls attend to their service.

“Oh it's my brother now and not your nigga?” She ask. She chuckled as she stare at me, when she see that I'm not smiling nor anything. She hold my hand.
“What's wrong?”

“I don't know what's wrong with him,” I replied.

“Come lets go to your office so we can talk privately,” She said. I nod, we walk towards my office.

Christiano is definitely stressing me right now.

(Christiano Carter POV)

(One and a half hour later)

“Where is she?” I ask as I run towards Sasha's door.

I went to my mansion, got change and went back on the road. Here I am now, I warn Sasha but she didn't listen.

“Right here Boss,” Ben said as he open the door. I enter her house to see her sitting on her sofa with tears running down her face.
“Your daughter is sleeping in her room.”

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