Hate Me Until You Regret pt2

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(As requested 😍)

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(As requested 😍)

The six sighs, walking around the city. Guilt didn't leave them, why would it? They made their youngest brother leave because of their hatred. Spotting a newly opened flower shop, they decided to go there.
"I remember Jungkook talking about flowers to us, he looks so cute and he was so excited to go to a flower shop that day" Hoseok says and they nodded, chuckling. Walking inside the flower shop, the decorations and how the flowers are arranged looked so good, just like Jungkook's style.

"Oh, hi! Welcome to Mikrokosmos!" They heard, looking to the side. Their eyes widened, seeing Jungkook. Jungkook's eyes widened, staring back at them. The younger cleared his throat and smiled.
"How may I help you?" Jungkook says, backing away as Jimin walks to him.
"I'm so sorry, but there's a reason there's a line there" Jungkook says, voice soft as they're still customers. The glass door opened and they looked back, seeing a guy, smiling as he held flowers.
"Baby!" The guy says and walked to Jungkook, kissing him.
"Babe, why did you buy flowers? I already have some here" Jungkook says, shaking his head.

"Oh, baby, do you want me to buy from you then? It's not a surprise anymore then" His boyfriend says, chuckling. Jungkook scoffs, rolling his eyes.
"Oh, you guys customers, I'll go to the kitchen and bake then" His boyfriend says and he nodded, smiling as he stared at the flowers.
"Jungkook" Jin says, making Jungkook look up.

"Oh, what do you guys need?" Jungkook asks, smiling a little.
"Jungkook, come back" Taehyung says, making Jungkook scoff.
"Sorry, can't do" Jungkook says, shaking his head.
"And why? You're still welcomed! We're so sorry" Taehyung says, kneeling down.
"I already have a good life, I don't need your helps anymore... I have a boyfriend, who takes good care of me and doesn't hate me" Jungkook says, emphasizing "hate".
"I forgive you, but don't show up to me if you guys just want me to come back" Jungkook says, sighing. They all looked down, nodding. Jungkook's old now, he's independent and he looks like he's happier than before.

"We'll visit sometime"

"We'll visit sometime"

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