Sapnap Headcannon Dump

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I have a lot of these so prepare yourself

1. He has such long hair that it touches his ankles.

2. He has pyromania as a result of head trauma.

3. Wears platforms to make himself taller.

4. He HATES Puffy's hairs texture

5. Has schizophrenia 

6. Gets sick in 50 degrees or lower

7. Can handle all heat, even up to planck heat level. (In his demon form)

8. When any negative emotion gets too strong he grows bigger and gets scales and horns and a tail.

9. His demon tail feels like rubber

10. He has abandonment issues

11. Both of his arms and shoulders are fake due to a birth defect.

12. He can take his arms off his shoulders and scares the shit out of people with it.

13. Pass!Sapnap is the same person from a different era that Karl traveled to and died in.

14. George and him have known each other since they were toddlers.

15. Sapnap has a needle in his heart that will kill him if he doesn't keep his promise he gave to George when they were six.

16. Sapnap has really bad long term memory loss and has forgotten all about the promise and luckily the promise wont have to be kept too longer.

17.  He is hard on people because he sees great power in them.

18. Calls Skeppy 'Uncle Zak'

19. Calls Bad 'Father' or 'Satan's Grandchild' the latter is only for when he's not around.

20. He's probably fucked every male on the Smp at least once

21. Ranboo is his adopted son, meaning Miachel is Sapnap's grandchild, not Phil.

22. He loves dressing in a bunny outfit and he doesn't know why.

23. He used to be a barber

24. Hates deer, no reason, he just hates them.

25. He won't actually kill Dream if he escapes. He will probably kidnap him and George will help him, reinforce Dream's sanity, and then force him to settle in the middle of the forest by a nice water stream that leads to the ocean, in a little cottage far, far away from the SMP with them at his side.

Yes, I'm a C!Sapnap apologist and yes, I think Pass!Sapnap's actions are justified. 

Bite me

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