These two gay fucks

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Punz: Man, I only ever see you awake, do you ever shut down or stop running?
Sapnap: Oh, I'm always running
Sapnap: The question is from what


Punz to Sapnap: What the hell are daddy issues? Just traumatise your father back.


Sapnap: What's it called when you're, like, bisexual, but for your hands?



Sapnap: Captain Hook was such a joke

Punz: ?

Sapnap: Like "oh no a child that flies whatever shall we do!" Ever heard of a fucking gun?



Sapnap: How would you die in the Chocolate factory?

Punz: Bullet to the head

Sapnap: By an Oompa Loompa or Willy Wonka?

Punz: Grandpa Joe


Sapnap: Hey... can you do me a favor?

Punz: Yeah sure.

Sapnap: When I die...

Punz: Yeah?

Sapnap: Can you update my Facebook status saying "Chillin' with God"?


"I came into this world screaming, covered in someone elses blood and I'm not afraid to leave the same way."


"My death will probably be caused by me being sarcasttic at the wrong time."


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