Chapter 15: Somebody that I used to know

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Chapter 15: Somebody that I used to know


As I walked over the camp, trying to find answers to many questions such as; where in earth is Hook and why did he abandon me in here, Why does Peter need Henry, Where is Neal, and what does Rumple have to do with my past. And in order to find my answers, I need to get the trust of Peter, which I guess Is easy because we have met a long time ago.

" Ellie?" Someone call my name, causing me to whirled around and see who was the one calling me.

" Felix" I answer.

" Long time no see, huh." He comments with a grin.

" What are you talking about, you attacked me when I was with Snow in the forest, or did you forget that?." I reply sarcastically.

" Sorry, I didn't know you were you.." He apology with a little grin.

" Oh well, doesn't matter I guess.." I answer. " Anyways, have you seen Pan?"

" Why?" He replies.

" Because I need to talk to him..?" I state sarcastically.

" Oh.. Uh.. his talking with Henry.." He finally answers.

" Thanks." I thanked, and went to stepped away to find him.

After a long time of walking and walking to find Pan, I finally did. He was talking with Henry.

" You could save Neverland Henry! You could save magic!" Peter claims Henry.

If Peter was talking to Henry in a private place then it was because it was something important. I will not ruin this chance to know what will peter do with Henry, and why he is trying so much to gain his trust.

I hide in the bushes, and stayed unmoved, for him not to caught me.

" But my mom is the real savior!" Henry states.

" No Henry. What if your mother having you made her the savior?" Peter comments. " you can be the hero!"

" What the fuck.." I mumble to myself, and cover my mouth with my hands right away.

Causing Peter to turn his head to face me, wearing a evil smile.

" Eleanor!" He grins. " Why don't you join us?"

" Uh.. I was... Uh- Just wandering.." I hesitate to answer, as I stand up of where I was hiding.

" Good." He smirks darkly " Henry, Why don't you go and play with the others. We will continue this later."

Henry answered with a nod and walked away.

" Well, explain this." I order.

" Its none of your business." He replies.

" Well now it is." I claim. " Peter, what are you to do with Henry?"

" I don't have to explain you nothing." He states with clenched teeth.

" Peter, you have changed. Wheres the Peter I knew?" I question, trying to get to his soft side, as I get closer to him.

" Oh poor little Eleanor, so innocent.." He chuckles whilst getting closer to me. Producing a big lack of space between us. " Of course I have changed." He says as a devil smirk plays in his lips. " What? You thought I was always gonna be the good boy that always follow rules?" He asks mockingly while raising an eyebrow. " Oh Ellie, You are so wrong."

I answer with a sigh.

" And between, Its Pan now, darling." He grins, as he vanishes away.


A/N: I know, I know, crappy chapter, but just wait till the next one because theres a huge plot twist.

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