Chaoter 13: The Four Elements

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Chapter 13: The Four Elements


" uh.. I-Im" I hesitate to answer. " E-Eleanor.." I gulp.

" What are you doing in this island." He asks still pointing the sword towards me.

" Uh.. Hm... I-I don't k-know.." I stammer.

" Get her." He orders, causing the two boys behind him to tie my wrist with a rope.
" Walk, or you die." He says, addressing to follow him.

" W-were we going.." I ask.

" You'll see" He replies with an evil smirk playing on his lips.

No doubt Im in big trouble, I should have known better.

There I was, following the guy with a scar on his face to an unknown place. There was an air filled with silence and worry. When I escaped the castle I didn't expected this.

And after some time of walking in the big and mysterious forest we got to our destination. It was a camp, it had a bonfire in the middle, and around the bonfire there were trunks to sit in. It also had some tents which I suppose is where they sleep, but who? As far as I know, the ones who live in here is scar face and the two other guys with hoods.

" Pan" The boy with scar calls.

" What Felix?" Another voice answers.

" I got a surprise" Scar face smirks " I found her in the forest, probably she was with Hook and the others." He says addressing me.

And the boy who scar face was talking to appeared. He had brown hair, green beautiful eyes, he was wearing a green shirt made by I don't really know what, and brown pants. And suddenly, I recognize him.

" Peter." I gasp with a smile.

" Ellie?" Peter returns my smile. I run to hug him, but my wrists where tied together so he wrapped his arms around me and I stood still.

My head rested in his chest, and his arms where wrapped tight around me. And after one minute or less we pull away.

" How did you got here." He gasp still wearing a smile. " How did you know I was here."

" well, I actually did not know you where here, I cam with Captain Hook." I answer, also with a smile.

" wait do you guys know each other already?" Felix interjects.

" Uh yea" I smirk.

" Wait how did Hook let a female enter his ship..?" He question " and how do you know Hook?"

" I escape from the castle, and the only one who could took me to another place was Captain Hook, But only if I could clean the ship daily. And I did, so I guess now Im here.." I explain " Oh, I gotta get back to the ship"

" They are already gone." Peter stated.

" Aww, really, how could they let me here.." I frown.

" They are pirates, you know.. They do this lots of time." He commented " Anyways, your here with me."

" Your right, Im glad Im with you again." I grin again, and he return the grin.


And so the days go on; 'The Lost Boys' became close friends to me, I learn how to use the sword but I still sucked, which it didn't matter because apparently I had magic. And its very strange, but it gave a hint on who my parents was. I had the power of controlling the four elements, which are: fire, water, earth and air.

I could make an earthquake, or the whole Neverland to burn or get submerge, but of course I didn't do it, I could control the wind and even make tornados. I could also disappear, or transport and even breath in the water. Peter was extremely curios of my powers, and how and why I got them, Which I didn't know and still don't know.

But something was for sure, Peter wasn't the same. He had became more malicious, egoist, and was obsessed with power. I would see him play cruel games with people who stepped in Neverland, like pirates, and even kill innocent boys just because they did something wrong, some times I stopped it, but other times, not even me could help it. The only reason I was there was because I loved Peter, and I could still see the old Peter I met and fall for.

And there was something I was yearning so bad for; finding my real parents. Peter decided to help me. He told me that with his powers he could help in finding out. But he never told me, I guess he never found out who they where.

But there was a memory who is still blurred, the one which I lost all my memories. The only thing I could remember about that memory was something about Peter doing a curse, and me begging not to.


I slowly open my eyes, causing me to feel pain, not physical, but emotional. How come Peter take away my memories. I thought he liked me, and I liked him.

" Finally." Peter spoke, suddenly appearing in a chair in the tent. " You woke up." Causing me to sit in the bed.

" How could you!" I shouted

" How could I what?" He ask raising a eyebrow.

" Take away all my memories!" I yelled, and without thinking; I wave my hand, wanting to throw a fire ball to him, But all I could throw was a little flame.

Now I could remember how to use magic, and is funny because Peter teach me how too.

" What have you done to my magic!" I claim

" Its kind of a long story." He said while a evil smirk was playing in his lips he stand up of the chair.

" What are you waiting for! Tell me!" I demand

" It has something to do with the curse.. " He mumble

" Im still waiting!" I shout, getting annoyed.

" Well, remember the curse I made you?" He pause, waiting for a answer, but I just nodded " It took all you memories..." He pause again." And the half of your powers... Went to me.."

" How could you! You son of a-" I yell hysterically, standing up of the bed.

" Swearing doesn't look attractive in women" He interrupt me mockingly.

" Give me my freaking powers back!" I order becoming more hysterical.

" I would... But.." He began


I have changed the cover because I like this one more, well anyway, hope y'all liked this chapter ❤️

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