Chapter 4: Eleanor?

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Chapter 4: Eleanor?


Pan P.o.v

" Why didn't you told me that the 'daughter' of rumple was Eleanor!" I claim to Felix with anger deliberately spilling out with my words.

" Ellie? I had no idea she was the daughter of Rumple" Felix answers, with fear in his big, shy, dark eyes.

" Oh, don't play like if you didn't knew" I say pushing Felix to a tree, and sending my grip to his neck.

" I swear I had no Idea" He gasps " Anyways, whats the matter, she doesn't remember a thing, doesn't she?"

I free felix from my grip causing him to fell to the ground.

" Your right.." I mumble with a grin

" But i'm afraid feelings could come back to you.." He adds getting me annoyed.

That wasn't a opinion, that was a fact. How could I resist her chestnut, soft, big hair? Her black but gorgeous eyes? And her clumsy but mature personality. She could bright the whole world with her precious smile, she could bright my dark heart with her sweet voice. How could I even tolerate her, how could I see her without getting lost in her gaze.

" It won't... Believe me.." I sigh walking away.


Eleanor P.o.v

I open my eyes but all I could see was still blur, the only difference was that he wasn't there anymore, the 'bad' guy wasn't in my sight.. After a while I stop to see everything blur and found myself in a cage.

" What the-" I gasp

" Neal!!!" I scream for help.

" Help! Someone!" I shout with hope but subconsciously knowing that it was hopeless. My situation was critic and helpless.

" Stop yelling, Its useless" Pan says with a devil grin, confirming my thought of getting help.

" I guess your pan.." I consult, not letting him smell my fear.

" Bingo!" He cracks a devil laugh

" Your voice..." I mutter to myself " You are so familiar.." I say, as I got lost on my thoughts and my trying to remember where it came from.

" How?" He claims raising a eyebrow whilst his grin disappeared, just to let his sensible expression to conquer his face.

" I don't know.." I mumble. " Anyways, wheres Neal" I break consciously the atmosphere we were both having.

" Oh, his in a cage. Just like you" he state

" Can you let me out.." I question

" Why should I?" He laughs in disbelief

" Im..uh...Claustrophobic.." I lie

" Thats not true" He raises a eyebrow in annoyance.

" How would you know?" I add " You don't know me, don't you" I claim leaving a air filled with silence between us.

He only stare at me upset, and for some reason I felt bad about it. The little I've known him, I have find out that he's not an upset guy, and that I really did something wrong because of his expression. But something was defined, he had mixed emotions when he was with me, or maybe he just own a big collection of faces.

" Why are you always starring at me.." I consult " I feel a little harass-"

" nothing of your business "

" So you will let me out?" I ask for him to get annoyed.

" No! Just shut up, your not getting out of your cage." He states with clenched teeth and annoyance.

" Fine.." I sigh.

And he just walked away.

" And they say 'Peter Pan' was a demon" I sarcastically say for him to get more annoyed and angry.

"Maybe if Im very annoying he will let me out" I thought,

He then turn to face me with a devil grin whilst he wave his hand, and it happen again. my eyes felt heavy, and everything surrounding me became blur, and the last thing I saw was he. The one I once thought was mad, the one   causing me to fell in to a slumber.


Rumple P.O.V

" it has been a long while.. Rumple" Pan greets.

" What do you want?" I say with clenched teeth while standing up from the truck I was once sitting.

" nothing really, I was just going to warn you" He grins

" About what" I spit out the words full of anger.

" About your daughter and son... I have them." Pan states  " And I know what your hiding from Eleanor. Your so coward your afraid of telling her..." He pauses,with a darkly smile

" tsk tsk tsk" he annoyingly says.

" what do you want?!" I claim clenching my teeth.

" Lets play a game" He grins


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