Chapter 18

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Two years later, Morgan is 10 years old and is playing on the playground equipment at her school.

She goes down the slide and when she gets off the slide, a teacher comes up to her. He hits her and spits in her face and pulls her hair. He also says mean things.

Tyler: You're not their daughter. How can you, if they are siblings. And yeah, I know they're siblings because they look similar. Your parents are disgusting. Siblings don't have sex with each other and they are not supposed to fall in love with each other and get married. That's gross. Do you know what you're a product of? Incest. Yeah, you're a product of incest. Your parents are siblings to each other and they are married and you're mother got impregnated with you by your father. So, since they got married and had you, you would be considered their cross-cousin and not their daughter. And I bet you're sibling parents are not even legally married. I bet they had a close officiant that was bribed into getting them married. You don't deserve to play on this playground, because you're a freak and a bad example of how kids are born. Don't go spreading your lies that it's okay for siblings to fall in love, have sex, get married, and have a child. Go sit in the time-out corner until recess is over, and no lunch for you. I looked inside your lunch box and saw animal crackers with a little Debbie snack cake and a slice of pizza. And there was no milk. That is not a healthy lunch. It's not surprising since you're parents committed an illegal act of incest. Now go. I'm done talking to you.

Morgan goes to the time-out corner and sits there while everyone else plays on the equipment and eats their lunch. Thankfully, they don't know that she's not a virgin. Her friend, Camilla comes over and sits with her. She tries to talk to Morgan but is told to leave her alone.

Five hours later, Morgan returns home with a full lunch box and a sad face.

Olivia: Hey. What's wrong?

Morgan: A male teacher named Tyler physically abused me and said that you're not my real parents and that I'm just your cross-cousin. He also made it clear that he did not approve of you two being married and having me because you're siblings. He also said that it is illegal for you and daddy to be married and that I'm a product of an illegal act of incest and that my lunch was not healthy so I was not allowed to eat my lunch and I was not allowed to play with my friend, Camilla because of who I am and who my parents are.

Emerson: None of that is true. You are a product of love and we are legally married because it is 2039. People are legally allowed to marry whoever they want. And it was legal back in 2029. The year you were born. And you are our daughter. Nothing more, nothing less. You're perfect just the way you are. And we will pack you a lunch that's more healthy this time. Except we'll put a juice box instead of milk since you are allergic to milk. Oddly enough, it is only cow's milk that you're allergic to. And don't worry about other people, they are just haters. Next time, play with Camilla and have fun. You deserve to have fun.

Morgan: Okay! But I want mommy's breast milk. She always makes some and puts it in my cup when we are home, because I can drink it without breaking out and getting red dots all over my body. Can I have some for my lunch at school, please?

Olivia: Of course. Do want to know a fun fact?

Morgan: What?

Olivia: I am the first person to feed their child breast milk after they turn 2 years old. Although, I technically stopped breastfeeding you when you turned 2.

Morgan: That is a fun fact! And a cool one! And I don't care if I still drink breast milk from a cup or bottle, because I like the taste and it is safer and more healthy for me than cow's milk. Plus, the placenta that you drank in the smoothie when I was born makes the breast milk look white instead of yellowish so no one would know the difference.

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