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'i should end things' was the last meaningful thought i had the night everything went downhill.

i haven't spoken to vinnie in weeks, or my best friends. but i understand, they need their space. they have every right to be upset with me, after all it was my fault.

blaming myself is the only thing that was left for me to do. so that's what i did. even though i was told repeatedly that it wasn't my fault, that it couldn't be helped, that i couldn't have known.

but i could've. as aaron's friend, i believe i could've.

he wasn't okay and vinnie wasn't there for him, because of me. the only thing i can be titled is a distraction.

"hey," my bedroom door is pushed open, to reveal my tall, smiley brother. he leans against the doorway, eyes analysing the state of my room.

it isn't the cleanest, but i have good reason for that. i don't have the energy to pick up trash, or sort out laundry. what i do have energy for is to sleep, watch tv and eat. and then repeat those steps the next day. school is out of the picture at the moment.

"i'm heading to the store, you wanna come?" i'm quick to shake my head. i don't feel like getting up, or even moving right now.

"you should come with me, you need fresh air" i turn around under the covers, facing him now.

"no thanks" i murmur, burying my head into my pillow once he sighs.

"lana" he says sternly.

"archer" i reply, meeting his eyes.

"come on" he walks closer to my bed, pulling me out of it. i groan, rising to my feet.

"you're coming. get dressed" he orders and i roll my eyes as he leaves the room.


"i hate you for dragging me out of bed, archer" i mutter, resting my arms on the noisy shopping cart.

he places random junk into the cart before turning to face me, a smile gracing his lips.

"trust me, you need it"

"trust me, i don't" i reply, walking away from him.

"i'm getting tampons, i'll be right back" i hear him mutter something, but not loud enough for me to make it out.

i reach the sanitary products, eyes scanning over each row to find the item i need. but the scan over hands i am familiar with. hands covered in black metal rings and tattoos.


he reaches into the stacks of products and picks one out, reading the back.

a hood covers his head, only a little of his hair peaks out from the top. he sighs, placing the box down and then picking out a new one.

who is he getting tampons for? his mom... maybe?

i contemplate on whether or not i should say something or just leave. archer is probably wondering where i am, i should go back to him.

but if i leave without saying anything, i know i will regret it.

"hi" my lips take over my mind before i can give myself time to think. shit.

vinnie swivels around on his feet, our eyes meeting instantly.

his eyes are surrounded by dark circles, his lips are chapped and a little stubble covers his lower face. this definitely hasn't been easy on him.

before i can answer, arms are wrapping around mine and his body presses against my chest.

"i've missed you" he mutters, breathing into my neck, hands resting on my hips. my heart begins to hammer against my chest.

"i missed you too, vinnie" i pull away a little to look at him, study him. he studies me too.

we stand in the middle of the empty aisle, studying each other for a while. until his hands cup my face.

"can i kiss you?" he asks.

i don't care if we're in the middle of a supermarket, or my brother who advised me to end things with vincent is really not that far. i want to kiss vinnie, i want to hold him and hug him and just be with him for now, even if it makes me a bad person, or it makes me feel worse about myself than i already do.

i don't care.

i'm supposed to end this, and then move on.

but i don't think i can do that just yet. maybe not even ever.

i nod in response, my cheeks heat up and my stomach tightens. i place my arms around his neck, he wraps his around my waist, pulling my body into him.

next his lips are on mine.

i part my lips for him and his mouth moves against mine, slowly.

i didn't even know it myself, i hadn't even thought about the fact that i've been waiting for this to happen. and it is.

in the middle of the store.

i'm so sorry for like literally the longest wait ever. i've been busy, and unmotivated to write much lately.
but i'm trying my best to get back into the swing of it, any tips?


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